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It was the last Friday in April, late afternoon and I was in a meeting with wooyoung and
San to help them with the seating chart for their wedding when my phone rang.

I actually kind of enjoyed doing seating charts, even if most people didn't appreciate them.

They were like puzzles and
brain teasers all wrapped
into one.

My fun was about to be interrupted though, when I answered the call.

It was my son on the other
end of the line.

"Son? What's up?"

"It's Jimin." He said.

"We think the baby's coming."

It took me a moment to
process what my son was
telling me.

I understood all the words
but their meaning escaped
my understanding.

It was too big.

The baby was coming? Now?

It wasn't due for another two weeks but those darn babies always had a mind of their own.

"How is Jimin? I'll come
home right away."

It was going to be okay.

We'd planned this birth.

Okay, maybe we hadn't
planned it but we had
prepared for it anyway.

This wasn't my first ride in
the rodeo, after all.

We had a hospital bag by
the door packed with all the things we were going to
need in case of emergency.

"He says he's fine." Jih spoke again after a moment while
I tried to gesture to my
clients that I needed to go.

"I think you should
hurry, though."

"I will." With that, I ended
the call.

"It's the baby." I told
wooyoung and San.

"Oh." they said in unison, mirroring in each other in
their expression of surprise.

"Don't just stand there
then." San said.

"Go support your omega."

He was right.

I had to get going.

Jimin was my partner.

We were a team.

We were going to raise this
child together and I wanted
to be there from the first
breath the little one took.

Within five minutes, I was
out the door with all my
things and in my car.

In another couple of
minutes, I was home.

Jimin sat out on the porch, breathing in the spring air
and waiting for me.

"The baby picked a beautiful
day to be born." He said as I approached.

It was a beautiful day.

Blue skies, a warm breeze
in the air that carried the
scent of the sea with it.

The scent of the sea and
the scent of a very pregnant omega.

I eyed him, who didn't seem
the slightest bit frazzled by
his condition.

He had the hospital bag beside him and looked ready to go.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"When did the contractions start?"

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