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Only five weeks after the
birth, Jungkook took me suit-shopping for the upcoming wedding.

We'd debated leaving Dalsu
at home for the occasion so
we wouldn't get poo, drool
or puke on a selection of designer suits but in the end, we'd decided against it.

Neither one of us wanted to leave him with someone
else just yet.

We'd just have to take turns trying on suits because
Jungkook wanted a new
one too.

To mark this new era of our lives, he said.

"What do you think of this
one?" He asked, presenting
me with an emerald green
suit and pulling me out of
my thoughts.

"For me?" I asked, rocking
Dalsu, who was staring at all
the expensive suits around
him as if he wanted one for himself too.

Jungkook nodded.

"I think it would go great
with your eyes."

"I don't know if I'll fit in that."

I'd gained a lot during the pregnancy and not all of
those pounds had come
off with the birth.

"I'm sure you will."

"You'll look fantastic."

"Trust me."

"Okay but no laughing if it doesn't fit."

"Promise." He gave the suit
to me and I handed him the
baby in return.

"Come here, little man." he murmured.

"Let's see what papa looks
like all dressed up."

"I bet he'll look great, don't you?"

I shook my head at him and turned to step into the
changing room.

The moment I did, Jungkook
slapped my butt.

"Hey." I shot him a look but
he only smiled at me as if he didn't know what I was complaining about.

Not that I was really complaining.

Jungkook could slap my butt
all day long if he wanted to.

All day and all night.

Truth be told, there was hardly enough butt-slapping going
on in our lives recently.

Having a newborn in the house was exhausting, even though
Jih was being an absolute sweetheart and volunteered
to help wherever he could.

He still denied having a thing
for babies but the way he
cooed at Dalsu every time he
got to hold him made his
feelings obvious and I had no idea why even tried hiding it.

He was going to be a doting father one day.

That was nothing to be
ashamed of, it didn't make
him any less alpha.

I only wished he could see

In the changing room, I
forced myself into the suit Jungkook had picked out for

It did fit, after some tugging.

When I eyed myself in the mirror, I was pleased with
what I saw.

The emerald contrasted nicely with the color of my eyes and
the cut hid some of the
pounds I hadn't lost yet.

I looked elegant in an understated way.

Ready to stand next to my brother at the altar but not
so dashing that I'd steal the show from him.


"I like it." I announced as I presented myself to my alpha and our child.

"What do you think?"

"Wow." Jungkook said.

"I was right, You do look stunning in that."

A smile found its way to
my face and maybe even a blush.

"You picked it well."

Maybe we were going to be
done here a lot faster than
I expected.

Or so I thought until it was Jungkook's turn to try on suits.

He went into the changing
room with nearly ten different suits and he didn't like any
of them.

I tried not to get impatient
but honestly, it was hard.

Whenever he let me take a
peek, I thought he looked fine.

Better than fine, really.

All of the suits were nice and I enjoyed seeing him in them.

I very much enjoyed seeing
him in them.

Was there anything hotter than an alpha in a suit, really?

But he was never satisfied.

"I thought the light blue suit
was nice." I said while he was trying on yet another suit.

"It would have to be taken
in a little but still."

I liked the way his behind
looked in it when he turned
and I was getting tired of this and so was Dalsu.

The little one was starting to
fuss in my arms and I
couldn't blame him.

I wanted to get home too.

Under different circumstances,
I might have been happy
staring at Jungkook in suits
all day but honestly?

It was difficult when I knew
there wasn't anything I could
do about the sparks of desire running through me.

The kids would be on us as
soon as we walked into the house.

Min was going through a
super-hero phase right now, running through the house in
a cape and pretending like
Jungkook and I were super-villains.

Especially when he wasn't
getting cookies before dinner.

Besides, my doctor had said to give it a rest for the first six weeks after birth anyway.

So far, that hadn't been a problem but when I had to
check Jungkook out in all
those suits? Damn.

"Okay, let me know what
you think about this one."

Jungkook said, emerging
from the changing room in a deep blue suit that accentuated the lines of his body perfectly.

I had to force myself not to
drool at the sight of him, especially knowing what
was under those clothes.

Jungkook grinned.

"The expression on your face tells me all I needed to know."

"I'm taking it." I blinked.

Was I that obvious?

Jungkook only laughed.

"Yeah, this suit definitely
does the job."

I shook my head at him.

He'd tried on nearly twenty
suits just to find one that
would make me drool?

He was impossible.

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