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Easter Sunday and Jih's
birthday fell on the same day that year and Jungkook had great fun referring to him as 'bunny-boy' all morning while
the boys hunted for eggs in
the yard.

Jih had gotten pretty good at getting around on his crutches
by now but the eggs that lay
in the grass were still tricky
for him to get.

Fortunately, he had his little brother to help him.

Jih pointed where he wanted
Min to search and Min went digging.

The dog helped by running around the yard excitedly.

They made a good team.

I sat in a lawn chair while I watched because my ankles
hurt more often than not
these days.

Honestly, I was starting to
feel almost as immobilized
as Jih in his crutches.

My belly was huge, my back ached, my ankles swelled, my bladder was tiny... I heard
some people loved being pregnant but I did not.

I couldn't wait for this to
be over.

Jungkook and I had painted
our new nursery almost as
soon as Jieun had moved
her things out and we
hadn't heard from her
since, thank God.

"We have eight eggs." Jih
called out.

"Is that all?"

"One more, bunny
boy." Jungkook responded
from behind my chair.

"Look harder."

"You hid them well." I said.

"It looks like they're having

"I hope so, I want this to be
a fun day after the disaster
that Min's party was."

I nodded and then the door
bell rang.

My eyes sought Jungkook's.

Were we expecting visitors
so early?

Jungkook looked just as
confused as I was but went
to get the door.

"Oh, hi Grandma." I heard
him say.

"Didn't you hear that the
party was at three?"

I tried not to sigh.

Jungkook's grandma was here.


After the way she'd treated
me at Min's party, I was in
no rush to spend more time
with her.

"I thought it was only polite
to arrive a little earlier."

"I'd agree with you if you were five minutes early." Jungkook responded with a hint of exasperation.

"You're five hours early, Grandma."

"Do you want me to leave
then? It's not easy for me to make it all the way here, you know. I'll have to—"

"No, Grandma."

"Just... let me help you into
the living room okay?"

"I'll have some coffee
ready for you in a minute."

"Thank you dear and happy Easter."

"You'll be so glad to hear
that I brought presents for
all of you."

"Where's the birthday boy?"

"The boys are out in the yard."

"I'll get them to come in after
I got your coffee, okay?"

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