Detour on the shoes leads to clues.

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"So, why can't a guy wear pink shoes?" I asked as the three of us pushed our bikes down the path.
"I don't know, I just don't think pink shoes on a guy is, like, the cutest thing ever." Tess explained as we put our bikes against the wall so we could shop.
"But it's like the best colour, it's so colourful."
"Pink actually used to be associated with boys till WW2 happened. When females began to work so things could still run in the absence of boys, it was switched over to them." Sav explained making me smile at her.
'I really got to get better at hiding my emotions when she spouts something smart.'
"Still. What about, like-- what about, like, black ones, or--" Tess continued making me cut her off.
"It's a happy colour."
"Pink is not a happy colour."
"It's a happy colour." I argued as we laughed at the strange argument we were having and I noticed we were across from Sav's grandmothers opera house. "Oh, the opera house?"
"Oh yeah. I always forget it's in this area." Sav admitted.
"The last time I was here, I was almost arrested. Is there really no shoe store closer to home?"
"This is the best one." Tess pointed out.
"She's got a point, it really is the best one."
"Just chill, we're almost there."
"I wonder what type of shoe I should get though? I mean, I wanna get high tops, but I mean, what colour? That's the question. Pink is always really great but," I thought out loud before I noticed both Sav and Tess were walking ahead of me. "Tess? Sav?"
"Over here." The two spoke as they waved me over to where they were hiding behind the bikes.
"What are you doing?" I asked the two as I kneeled down beside them.
"She kinda dragged me over here." Sav admitted before Tess spoke.
"Rinus is over there." She pointed out making us see the older man.
"What's he doing?"
"I don't know."
"Maybe it's a coincidence." I suggested.
"Maybe fish can climb trees." She sarcastically told.
"I believe there is a fish species that can do that." Sav pointed out.
"Should I even ask why you know that?" I asked her.
"Mother liked fish so she had a bunch of fish books that my father would allow me to read in between classes and his idiotic thinking."
"I knew something was funny about him. We have to find out what he knows." Tess told making us remember why we were crouching.
"Yeah." I told before standing up making the two pull me back down.
"What are you doing?!" They both questioned.
"You said you wanted to find out what he knows."
"If he didn't tell me anything, why would he tell you anything?" Tess questioned.
"Look, sometimes you gotta shake the jar before you spill the beans." I informed the two making them share a look.
"Where the hell did you hear that from?" Sav asked making me shrug.
"Uh, settle down, tough guy." Tess told before the three of us watched him leave in a taxi. "How 'bout we just follow him?"
I gave a nod as the two got up and headed back to the bikes so we didn't lose him so quickly.
"Yeah, let's-- let's do that." I told mostly to myself before getting up and quickly getting to my bike.

Thankfully as we followed the taxi, we ran into a crowd of other people on bikes, giving us the perfect cover. Of course we soon came to a stop when we saw the taxi stopping and Rinus getting out.
"He's talking to that taxi driver over there." Tess pointed out.
"Yeah, but is he really a taxi driver, or is that just his cover?" I questioned.
"Dude, you've been watching too many movies." She told me.
"You'll see."
"You do realise that impersonating a taxi car is illegal right?" Sav asked making me look at her.
"It is?"
"If it isn't, then it should be."
"Okay well think about it. For Erik and Late to disappear without a trace, there must be a lot of people involved. I'm thinking a massive conspiracy going all the way to the top."
"The top of what?" The girls asked.
"What do you think? The government."
"The government is not involved Max." Sav stated.
"How do you know?"
"Because I doubt Saganash is apart of the government, cause they don't usually care about people like Erik and Kate." Sav pointed out before we saw Rinus heading towards us.
"He's coming this way." Tess told in a slight panic before seeing the band that was playing next to us. "Quick, we gotta hide! Come on, come on, go, go, go!"
We quickly moved our bikes and disguised ourselfs with some of their extra clothing and hid in plain view. We kept our heads low to make sure we weren't seen and waited as he paused briefly and then headed along after he gave some money to them.
"Come on, let's go." I told the two, making us quickly return the disguise and headed off.

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