Giving them a show.

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(Third p.o.v)

"So now what?" Nika whispered as they stood in a line like usual now.
"We give 'em the real diamond." Sal told since it seemed like they had no other option.
"Ugh, no, Kate and Erik specifically said use a fake." Tess reminded them. "We're gonna do what they say."
Max of course was sleeping as he stood since he was up late cleaning.
"Okay, so we have to get the fake diamond back from Simone. Sounds like a job for the man of her dreams." Daniel told them as he smiled at that.
"Tim? How's he gonna help?" Anika asked making his smile fall.
"Nika!" Tess quietly told off since they all knew Daniels feelings for her.
"Simone's crazy about Tim. I can't be the only one who's noticed." She stated.
"It's true. There's no point in lying to myself." Daniel sadly told before they heard the whistle, waking Max again.
"Silence! All present and accounted for." Eugene told them. "We'll start this morning with calisthenics. Shake out the cobwebs before your morning gruel, huh?"
"Why don't you shake your own cobwebs, Gene?" Max mumbled before realising he said it out loud.
"Maximilian? The latrine. With your toothbrush. On the double!" Eugene ordered as he moved to stand in front of Max and he let out a chuckle.
"Jokes on you... Gene. My toothbrush is officially retired." Max told as he showed it was no longer useable.
"Oh, I see. We do have a problem."
"So I guess I'm... off the hook." Max told before Eugene instantly took a step to the side.
"Tess?" He asked as he got in her face, making her lean back. "Am I correct that you wear eye makeup sometimes?"
"Um, yes, why?" She asked, only for him to smile and look at Max, making him realise what was about to happen.

The siblings were hiding in the library and as Daniel was on the call with Simone making the date for her and Tim, Tess and Nika were helping sneak Sav in through the library window.
"That was awful." Daniel whined once he got off the phone.
"Help." The three whispered, making him move to pull her in so they weren't caught.
"What's happened?" Sav asked once they got her in and moved so she could hide under the desk if the witch or crypt keeper came in.
"Daniel set up a date between Simone and Tim so we can get the fake back." Tess informed her.
"Explains the awful comment."
"You were so good." Tess told to reassure him as they all went back to their spots.
"Yeah." Nika told as she patted his back before the library door opened.
"Look who I found sound asleep with his head on the toi--" Sal began when he came slightly in and paused to catch Max since he fell asleep again and was about to fall. "toilet seat."
The two came moving in and Sav felt bad that Max looked like a zombie that just wanted to sleep.
"He wanted to give you your brush back." Sal told Tess, making Max hold it out for her and revealed it was now yellow as well.
"Thanks, Tess." Max told, making Sav move once Sal shut the door to comfort him.
"My poor boy." She cooed as he moved to hugged her.
"Oh, thanks." Tess reluctantly told as Sav moved Max so he could sleep against her on the couch.
"The plan is working, you guys. Daniel set up a date for Simone so we can steal the fake diamond back." Nika told before they watched Max kinda fall onto the couch and slightly on Sav.
"Great, Nika. But, Uh, I think you should do it without me. Gene and Hedy are gonna be watching me like a movie. Until Erik and Kate come back, I'm gonna do everything they want." Max explained as he moved to hug Sav as they laid on the couch and Sav played with his hair to comfort him.
The others gave a confused look at why he was giving up, but couldn't do much about it.
"Don't worry, I'm here before I have to sneak out again.... Unless they catch me in here." Sav quietly told him as the others quietly went over the plan.
"Hedy said you were stupid and a gold digger last night." Max informed her.
"I really hate her."
"Same. Stood up for you, cause you are neither of those things. And I will never let anyone insult you."
"Thanks Maximilian." She told.
"I change my mind." He joked making the two quietly chuckle and held one another.

Once the siblings were positive the witch and cryptkeeper were asleep, they snuck downstairs and quietly made their way to the door. Daniel shush them when they made a bit more noise then they planned. They speed walked to the door only to come to a holt when they saw it was chained and bolted up.
"Seriously?" Tess complained before the lights turned on and they saw Hedwig and Eugene in the doorway for the lounge.
"Very seriously." Hedwig told them as Eugene jingled the keys in his hands. "No one's taking any valuables..."
"Our valuables." Eugene added.
"... from this house." She finished before they all heard noise from the kitchen.
"What was that?" Eugene asked as the two got worried.
They headed to the kitchen and the others followed to find out what it was as well. The door squeaked open when Eugene pushed the doors apart and tried to look around in the dark.
"Be careful, Eugene." Hedwig told him.
"Oh, whoever's in there better be careful." He told before holding his hands up like he was going to karate chop them. "These hands are deadly weapons."
The lights turned on to reveal Max and Sav holding a piece of fabric the two wrote 'Gruel is For Fools!' on and hid their faces behind it. As soon as Tess, Anika, Daniel and Sal laughed at it, the two lowered it to reveal the smiles they had.
"Good evening, Gene." Max told.
"Good evening, Hedy. Oh Gene, I feel very scared of those deadly weapons." Sav added as she mocked him.
"You insolent brats!" He shouted as he rushed to grab the two, only to fall right for their trap.
He slipped on the soapy water the two set up and fell right on his back, making Hedwig rush to help him.
"Oh, Eugene!" She shouted, only to also slip on the flood and fell right on top of him and the hunters laughed as Max picked up the keys that slide to his and Sav feet.
"You wanted a clean floor. How's that for clean?" Max shouted in amusement.
"How's that for a stupid gold digger girlfriend?" Sav asked as she looked down at the two evil elders, making the Hunters laugh more as she blew a raspberry at the two.
"Shall we my dear?" Max asked as he held out a hand for her.
"We shall." She told before the two skated past them on the skates they made so it was easier for Max to clean.
"You little monsters!" Eugene shouted out as him and his sister tried to get up.
"Enjoy your evening." The two told as one after they got their homemade skates.
"You're finished! You're going to Blackfriars." Eugene stated as they all left. "Do you hear me?!"
"I thought you'd given up." Anika pointed out to him.
"Hunters never give up." Max told as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and held Sav's hand with his other as the six left to get the fake diamond and Erik and Kate back.
"Yeah, they don't." Tess agreed.

(Sav p.o.v)

The six of us peeked through the police window to see Simone and Tim talking and it seemed we had just arrived after Tim went in.
"Thanks for the invitation." Simone told him as she slowly moved to stand in front of him.
"No, thank you." He told her.
"Wait, you invited me, right?"
"I did?"
"I know, Daniel actually made the call, but you..."
"I thought it was a great idea." Tim told, cutting her off and Sal comforted Daniel with having to watch this.
"Whose idea?"
"Your idea."
"You mean your idea." She told, making them wish this went faster. "So... wanna grab a bite to eat?"
"Definitely. When do you get off duty?" He asked, making her look at her watch.
"Right... now." She told making the two chuckle as they left, which made us happy.
"I really thought they were never gonna leave." I quietly told them.
We waited till the lights shut off for Nika to use her idea on how she was gonna get in and get the diamond. We all watched through the window and saw her get in and head right towards Simone's desk. She went looking where she thought it would be and I tapped the window so she looked towards us and I signalled the jacket on the coat hanger since it looked like the one she wore that night. She went through the pockets and found the box and the diamond before rushing to the window to show us she had it and then quickly left before any of us were caught.

We all stood together in the parking lot and waited as who we thought was Saganash came walking towards us till we stood a few feet apart. They didn't say anything but held out their hand for the diamond.
"First you tell us where our parents are." Tess told them.
They lowered their hand and pulled out a photo from their pocket and showed us. Max took it from his hands so we could get a better look at it. In it, Erik and Kate were tied up and gaged and we could also see todays paper was on Erik to show that it was a recent photo.
"It's today's paper." Max stated before giving it to Sal and I had a stare down with the hooded figure.
"It's definitely them." Sal agreed, making Max look towards Tess who nodded and then handed him the diamond.
Max carefully placed the box in the figures hands and they even doubled check that we weren't trying to trick them, before heading off.
"Wait, when do we get our parents back?!" Daniel shouted, only for it to go ignored.
'I really hate Saganash.'

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