The hidden Hunters.

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The Hunter kids rushed down the stairs and were confused what was going on, while Hedwig and Eugene stood at the base of the stairs.
"The internet is down." Daniel told them.
"We need internet access for schoolwork." Tess added.
"The horse ponies were gonna have a pillow fight." Anika added, earning confused looks.
"It's a game." Daniel informed them.
"We probably just need to reset the router." Sal pointed out to them.
"I'm not a technological person. Are you talking about this thing?" Hedwig asked as she revealed said router from behind her back, shocking them all.
"You monsters! What did you do?!" Anika shouted, finally losing her cool in front of them.
"We felt your devices were too distracting. So we've shut everything down." Hedwig explained.
"But... how did you take down the phone network? You can't control that." Sal pointed out in confusion.
"Ever hear of a signal jammer?" Eugene asked him, only to not wait for a response. "Of course you have. You're a smart boy. But just to be safe, we will take your phones. Now."
He held his hand out to the four and one by one they all gave up their phones. Except Tess who kept the phone Saganash gave them hidden from the two since she felt they still needed it.
"And just so we can keep an eye on you mutts, you'll all be sleeping in the same room tonight." Hedwig informed them all before her and Eugene shared a look of glee at this.

(Sav p.o.v)

We slid down the wall till we were sitting on the ground, leaving us with little to really do in this room till we knew it would be safe to leave. Of course Max being Max was already hungry, this being evident with his stomach growling.
"You'll eat when it's safe." He quietly told it, making me chuckle at it before I reached into my pockets and it growled louder. "I heard that."
"Gummie bears or sour worms?" I asked as I showed him the different bags I had in my coat.
"You are the best!" He quietly cheered as he took the gummie bears. "I think I love you."
As soon as he said that the two of us shared a look at it and both were surprised at his confession.
"Can we just pretend I didn't say that?" He asked making me nod.
He looked back towards the bag to distract himself, making me lean forward enough to kiss his cheek.
"I love you as well." I admitted, making him smile at me.
"I'm glad I'm trapped in here with you, Savanna."
"So am I." I agreed as we took one another's hands.
We looked into each other's eyes for a moment and something felt like it was slowly pushing us together... which made me panic.
"I've never kissed anyone before." I admitted, making him give a shocked look.
"I haven't had my first kiss yet."
"No. I mean, how has no one wanted to kiss you. You're insanely smart, it makes me stupid with happiness, you're beautiful and cool, you've got a weird love for seals which I respect... You're amazing." He admitted to me, making me blush from it. "How has no one else realised this?"
"Might be cause I don't speak at school." I pointed out to him.
"Well they are all idiots." He told me.
"No one really gave me the chance I guess to get to know me before Sal and the rest of the Hunters."
"Wanna know something?"
"You know I love learning things." I told him, making him smile at it.
"I also haven't had my first kiss."
"What about the mop girlfriend of yours?" I joked, making him playfully push me as we quietly chuckled at it.
"I've been in and out of foster homes for so long, didn't stay in places long enough to really meet anyone who made me wanna get to know them and stuff." He explained.
"So we are both in the same boat then. We are a couple of losers." I joked making us smile.
"Guess we are. But we are insanely hot losers." He pointed out making us chuckle at it.
"I can't deny that."
"I do want you to know though. I will gladly wait for as long as you want with this. And if you never want to have you first kiss, then that's fine by me. I'm happy just spending time with you and kissing one another's cheeks and talking about whatever with you. Even if by talking it's me doing all of it and you just texting me you're response. I'm happy with whatever, just as long as it's with you." He admitted and I just felt so much love for him, that just felt stronger after this declaration of it.
"You're a sap, and I love that about you." I told as I cupped his right cheek and kissed his left.
"And I love when you kiss my cheeks." He quietly told, making us chuckle before we looked at one another in the position we were in.
We leaned in slightly and stopped to make sure we were both sure about it before we leaned forward enough till our lips connected. While I held his cheek in my hand, he moved one of his hands to gently hold the back of my head before we pulled apart for some air and we couldn't help but smile at one another.
"You taste like gummy bears." I quietly told him as we chuckled.
"You taste like sour worms." He quietly told back before we got looks at it.
"Sour bears." We both quietly told as one before we chuckled at our shared thoughts.
He wrapped his arm around me so we would be comfortable from our spots as we shared our little snacks and I couldn't be happier having found Max.
'My dad is so gonna murder me when he finds out.'

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