The phone in the unlabelled box.

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We entered the kitchen the next morning slightly tired from the stressful weekend and sat across Nika and Tess as Sal began to speak.
"We wanted to talk with you about the diamond." Sal told them.
"Yeah. We have no clue what's the safest place to hide this thing." Max pointed out as he showed said diamond.
"Why do you have it?" I asked him using this type and talk program Sal created to try out and see if this is better then me texting my responses.
"To keep it safe."
"I hate to say this. You lost it while it was in your pocket." I reminded him before Daniel popped back in.
"I think it's best that I keep that diamond in protective custody." Daniel told us before we heard the doorbell again.
"I think it's best if you go open the door." Tess told him.
"Krrrt... 3-4-5, we have a suspect at the door." He told into his sweater, confusing us why he was acting like a cop.
"He found his calling. An undercover agent." Tess informed us.
"Good for him. I can actually see him being a cop." I admitted.
"Why don't we keep the blue diamond in the library?" Tess suggested.
"Thank you. I was wondering when someone was gonna suggest that."
"Why didn't you?" Nika asked.
"I did. They didn't listen." I told before Sal spoke, not hearing what I said.
"Yeah, you didn't prepare that trap for nothing." He pointed out.
"I mean, trap or no trap, everyone knows we have the diamond." Max reminded us.
"Yes, but you can't walk around with a diamond worth millions of dollars in your pocket." Sal pointed out to him.
"Also the fact you are prone in losing things, and we have the secret room in the library. It will be safe. Also it was your idea to announce to the world we had the thing." I added.
"Sav's right. The chances you'll lose the--" he continued before Tess cut him off.
"Who's that for?" Tess asked, making us all see the parcel Daniel was holding.
"There's no name on it." He told us as he put it on the table and we started to hear a ringtone. "Anyone expecting a delivery?"
"Whose phone is ringing?" Nika asked, making everyone check while I picked up the box and put my ear to it, hearing it coming through.
"Sav?" Max asked making me nod to signal that the ringing was coming from said parcel and I carefully put it back down.
'Of course he is watching the house, or how else would he have known it got here.'
Nika reached forward and carefully lifted the lid and revealed the phone in the box with a no caller ID being displayed as it rang out. Max was the one to take it from the box and picked it up before putting it to his ear, and I leaned closer to listen in to what Saganash would be saying.
"Hello?" Max asked.
"Don't keep me waiting ever again, Maximillian." He told him and I gave Max's shirt a light tug to signal I was here for him.
"Saganash?" He asked, making the others panic.
"Do I have your attention?" He asked Max.
"Yeah, yes, sir."
"Keep this phone with you at all times. I'll contact you on it to arrange the drop-off." Saganash told him before the phone beeped to signal he hung up.
"This is just like in the movies." Max stated.
"Really?" I asked.
"Oh look. Stupidity was what broke her silence." Tess joked to try and help our panic at this, it did not help.
"Saganash? What did he say?" Sal asked.
"Yeah, did he say where Eric and Kate are?" Tess asked.
"He did not. No point giving us a location when we still have the thing he wants." I pointed out.
"He said I had to keep the phone with me and to wait further instructions. If it rings, I'll pick up immediately." Max told the five of us.
"And the diamond goes into the safe." Sal stated as he grabbed said diamond.
"As a future cop, I hereby promise it will stay in there safe and sound." Daniel swore in, making us chuckle.
"I would also keep a look out incase he is watching the joint." I suggested.
"Why do you say that?" Max asked.
"The phone didn't start ringing until after a minute of Daniel having said parcel with said phone in it. He had to have known so he didn't ring it any sooner and ruined the whole thing." I pointed out, making them all realise. "Seriously?"
"Yeah, we should be better at this by now." Max admitted, making the others agree.

We were walking down the stairs for our next class when we saw Anika and Tess walking side by side. Sal of course scared them, making us chuckle as we headed past since we were gonna be late if we didn't hurry.
"I find it cruel our classes are so far apart from one another." Max whined.
"Just be glad Mrs. Bobofilch is raising her newborn and isn't teaching us. She locks the door behind herself and it doesn't matter if you are right behind her for it." I quietly told since I didn't really like speaking at school but didn't have time to text it all.
"She sounds like a spooky witch." He joked making me chuckle.
"Apparently Daniel had this one teacher for a term for history. He was obsessed with Egyptian mythology." Sal added.
"What happened to him?" Max asked.
"Was offered a good job in England. Didn't hear from him since." Sal told with a shrug.

We were sitting at the lunch table we kinda claimed and was seeing if there was any updates... especially since he still hadn't called and it was getting worrisome how long it was taking.
"So, did he give you any idea when he'd call again?" Sal asked.
"Nope. Just to hold on to the phone." He informed us as he placed said phone onto the table.
"For a guy who has time to take people, he sure seems to be busy to not call." I pointed out before my phone buzzed and I groaned.
"You ok?" Tess asked.
"Yeah. If you don't add onto the fact my father is sending messages in Morse code as to make sure I am better in it. All cause I said Morse code wasn't my strongest asset last we talked cause of him leaving me with my gran.... I do not like him sam-I-am. I do not like green eggs and ham."  I told before putting my phone down, allowing Anika to see the charm on there.
"That's cute." She told making me smile and show it.
"Thanks. It's a seal. My mother kinda got me into them and my grans parcel she sent midway through her trip arrived this morning, which was this. My room is kinda filled with little seal things." I slightly gushed.
"Now I know what to get you for anything." Max stated making us smile at that before we heard a voice coming near us slightly, making me shut up.
"That's all for today, fashion fanatics. Join me next time on 'Kelly Now' when my topic will be new style scrunches." Kelly told into her phone before the two girls with her joined for the last part.
"I know!"
"Bye, girls." She told the two before joining us and sat next to Tess. "Hi. Jess. How's our Marwin project going?"
Me, Max and Sal shared a look at that and mouthed Marwin to one another cause that definitely shouldn't have sounded right even to her.
"I did some research. Garlapagos Islands, sea turtles..." she began before the phone started to ring, making us all panic. "Survival of the fittest blah, blah, blah."
'He really must be watching and wanted to be annoying. I want to fight him more now cause of this.'
"Can someone please answer that phone?" Kelly asked making me grab it and passed it to Max.
"Why don't you show me the pictures you downloaded?" Tess asked, allowing me and Max to escape to get the call.
"Yeah, hello?" Max asked once we were in the clear and I leaned close to hear the call as well.
"Next time you pick up immediately or you'll regret it." He informed Max and me in a way.
"Yeah, uh, sorry."
"Do you have the diamond?"
"It's in a safe place."
"The handover will be tomorrow. I'll give you your instructions in the morning. Make sure you're waiting by the phone." He explained as Sal joined us to find out what was going on and I signalled for him to stay quiet.
"Wait. We need proof that Erik and Kate are--" Max began before we heard beeping, making him lower his phone.
"What'd he say?"
"That guy needs to learn some phone manners." Max stated in slight annoyance.
"Yeah I'm sure his mother would smack him for it." I added before we headed back to the table.

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