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Liliana's P.O.V:

Drip, drop. The never-ending faucet leaked as I laid on the old dirty mattress. My left ankle was three times the size of its normal shape, my arms were bloodied from the cuts I was given, and my hands and knees were scraped to high hell. I didn't want it to be twilight yet because I knew that he was waiting for another round of torturing. I just wanted to go home. I wanted to be in my small bed in the crap apartment I lived in near the grocery store. Hell, I even wanted to be helping my sister-in-law to be with picking the dresses for the bridal party and her bridal gown. I even wanted to be relaxing on my father's shitty couch in Arkansas watching wrestling with him and my youngest sibling.

Anywhere that wasn't here. Anywhere that wasn't this...hell was way better. I heard the door to the basement opening, making me glance up from laying down, then I heard it. The sound of his ridiculously expensive faux black leather boots stomping down the stairs. It was going to be another night of asking to give him sex yet again or to be beaten, tortured, and bitten. This thing had fooled me into believing that he was a normal person. He wasn't. He was a monster, but then again, even the word monster didn't fit to describe him.

I closed my eyes, praying that he'd leave me alone for just one night, then I felt a warm hand on my neck. Odd. I was so used to the icy feelings from his hands. I opened my eyes slowly, seeing the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen. His jet-black hair was pulled in a ponytail as his fiery colored eyes shone brightly in the darkness. Carefully, he picked me up in his arms, telling me softly that I was safe now, and he carried me up the stairs swiftly into the bright light as I smelt the comforting scent of rain with leather.

Waking up, I slowly sat up as I ran a hand through my dark brown almost black hair. I hadn't dreamt of that night in months. The night I was saved by that mystery man, and like a dumbass, I never even asked for his name or thanked him. Sighing heavily, I tossed the blankets off of me, and slowly got to my feet. I walked out of the bedroom into the small bathroom and flicked on the light. The dark circles under my eyes were now a part of my "natural beauty" as my sister-in-law to be would've been telling me. Splashing water on my face, I again looked in the mirror. Yeah, three hours of sleep was enough for the night.

My milk chocolate eyes were the best thing about my mother's side that I could've asked for. Well, maybe if I had my great grandmother's blue eyes it would've been nicer, but you have to take what you're given. Leaning to the left, I turned the shower on, and stripped out of my clothes as the water warmed up. I was going to have a long night at work, particularly since it was one of our slower days. I just wished for some peace from the mind tricks from being so damn tired.

After I showered into my work uniform, I yanked down the shorts to try to cover my thighs a little better. It didn't work. Why my boss had the girls wear tight shorts that really did nothing for us was beyond me. I never did complain. I just wanted to be left alone and only do what I was paid for. Grabbing a small granola bar, I grabbed my keys, phone with the AirPods, hoodie, and wallet. I stepped out my front door, locking the small house up, then headed to my deep blue '09 rabbit. I slid in the driver seat, tossing my shit on the passenger side seat, then started my car up. I backed up from the house, then drove off to go into work.

Arriving into the parking lot of the club I worked at as a waitress, I sighed as I saw my usual parking space being the new hangout spot. I only had two friends at work. Aimee, with her sassy attitude and new wigs she swapped out every other week along with her nails she had done every five weeks. Then Milena, the sweet little redhead with the steel emerald eyes that proved she didn't have a mean bone in her body. Her eyes usually gave her away when she was lying half of the time and Aimee's weird tell was her playing with her hair or nails constantly.

I pulled into my parking space, seeing the two girls waiting for me with a few other girls, and I parked my car. I turned my car off, grabbing my AirPods along with my phone. I popped both earbuds in, blaring Disturbed, then reached for the glove box. I grabbed my taser then searched for my pepper spray. Damn! Illena, my sister-in-law to be, still had it. Oh well! Good thing I knew how to fight...a tiny bit. I got out the car, making sure I had everything, then slammed my door shut as Milena walked to me.

When she touched my hand, I jumped up, and stared at her as I paused my music. She smiled sheepishly, and said, "I'm sorry."

"You know I don't like to be touched," I mumbled bitterly, trying to shake off the slight jump scare.

Before she said anything else, there was a loud roaring sound that made me jump up again, and I held my heart as the new head bouncer sped in the parking lot on that two-wheeled death machine he always rode around on. Milena was asking if I was okay, getting me to wave her off as a deep forest green jeep was not far behind him. They parked in the very front, to be able to see everyone I guessed, then we heard our boss's Impala chugging along. I turned my music back on as I walked to my trunk and unlocked it. I grabbed my server apron along with the book, slamming my trunk door, then looked to see the head bouncer sitting on his motorcycle as the other two new bouncers were talking to him.

He looked in my direction, making me look away as if we were in high school, and I noticed Liam, the boss, unlocking the doors. We all hurried to get in, the three bouncers were holding the doors for us, and I kept myself facing forward as I listened to Broken Wings by Alter Bridge when I passed the head bouncer. Nope, I wanted no part in talking to him outside of work. The last time I talked to a guy that I believed to be remotely hot, I got my ass kidnapped and tortured for a whole year!

Heading to the lockers, I grabbed my usual one that face the furthest wall away from everyone, but I had my back against it. Taking off my hoodie, I tossed it in along with my stuff, then put on the apron. I stuffed the pockets with my pen that came with the book, my phone, AirPods case, and the taser. I looked up to see the head bouncer coming in, and I watched him. It didn't hurt to stare, right? He had on the black shirt, black denim jeans with boots, and his hair was up in a messy bun. I watched him walking towards me, looking at my phone as it buzzed, then felt him behind me as I heard the locker next to me open. Shit! Was he really picking the one next to mine? He had never done it before!

I watched him from the corner of my eye, seeing his sleeve of tattoos on his left arm with a single one on his inner right forearm. I looked away from him, closing the locker door, then walked away swiftly. I thought I heard my name, looking behind me, and saw the head bouncer walking to me with a phone. Did I really just drop my phone? Could I be any more of a ninny?!

I took my AirPods out, putting them up, and the head bouncer said, "You dropped your phone."

I took it from him without touching his fingers, and mumbled, "Thanks."

"You a big horror fan?" He asked, and my eyes narrowed at him. He was...blushing as he said, "I noticed your case is Michael Myers themed."

I looked at my case on the phone, realizing that I hadn't switched my case out, then said, "He's okay, I guess."

"Are you okay, Liliana?" He asked, and I finally looked up at him.

His onyx coal eyes were boring into mine as I nodded, then corrected him, "It's just Lily."

"Your name isn't Liliana?" He asked, and I sighed.

I said, "I prefer Lily or Lil if you're feeling brave enough."

"Any other nicknames you have?" The head bouncer had slowly backed me into the wall, and I looked up at him as I held my phone to my chest.

I shook my head, slipping away from him, and nearly bolted to help set up. It was sad to admit that was the most anyone who worked here—aside from Aimee and Milena, Liam sometimes—talked to me. Everyone mostly stayed cleared of me because of the sheriff and not wanting to cause problems with him or even my brother. For the rest of the time, I spent helping to set the club up and I found the head bouncer occasionally looking at me with curious eyes. What was he so curious about? Had he never seen a girl that was an insomniac trauma filled chick before?

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