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Liliana's P.O.V:

I glanced up from making a drink, covering for Liam's bartender again, and I looked at Kaiden from afar. He always wore the uniform the best out of all the bouncers, which didn't help me almost drooling at the sight of him. He had his jet-black hair up in a messy bun tonight. He looked a little bit more attractive tonight, and I didn't know why that was. I quickly looked away from him when he turned his head in my direction. I felt my cheeks turning a bright cherry tomato red as I slowly turned to look at the bottles on the shelves.

Wait...what was this? I wasn't home...this had to be a dream.

Turning back around, Kaiden was sitting at the bar, smirking a mischievous smile that explained he'd known that I was checking him out. I only blushed harder as I poured him a small cup of water. I placed down, sliding it to him, then watched him take the cup. Kaiden drank all of the water in one swig, making me stare at him again, then he set the cup down. Some water was still on his bottom lip and, impulsively, I leaned over the bar to run my thumb across his lip.

This didn't happen the night I was covering for Liam's bartender...

Kaiden only leaned over the bar as I yanked my hand away from his mouth. He was practically sitting on top of the bar when he grabbed me by my wrist and pressed his lips on mine. Kaiden broke the kiss, getting me to stare at him, then his smirk turned into a grin. I stared at him, blinking slowly to process what just happened. He got up from the stool, walking around to come behind the bar, then grabbed my hand.

Kaiden pulled me along, almost dragging me to the back where the lockers were. He yanked me in front of him, pushing me in the area where my locker was, then used his whole body to block me. I looked up at him, seeing his eyes shifting to a fiery color before he kissed me. Everything inside of me exploded with pure happiness and joy the moment his lips met with mine. I threw my arms around his neck, feeling him cupping the back of my thighs, and he lifted me up to wrap my legs around his waist as he nearly crushing me into the lockers.

This really didn't happen that night...but I wanted to do this with him so much then...I still kind of wanted to even now...

I found myself pulling at the top of his shirt, urging him to take it off, then he kept me pressed against the lockers with my legs latched tightly around his waist. Kaiden pulled off his shirt, letting it fall to the floor as he slid his hand to grab the back of my neck and head. Our lips were in a raging battle, following by Kaiden nearly grinding his pelvis into mine, then he broke away to "help" take my shirt off. I was in my bra as my shirt fell next to his then wiggled to stand on my own two feet. Kaiden only slammed his lips on mine, his hands roaming all over my body, then we broke away to look at each other.

"We need to go. Now," Kaiden grunted, getting a nod from me right before we went back to having a war with our lips and tongues.

My eyes fluttered open to see a very posh ceiling for a bedroom. I turned my head to the left side, seeing that side of the bed was empty, then slowly, started to sit up. Holding onto my shoulder, I took a mental note that I was shirtless, but my bra was left on. My eyes darted around, seeing that I was completely alone in a big hotel room. I tossed the blanket off my lower half with my left hand, still gripping onto my left shoulder, and slowly got off the bed. I thanked God that I still had on my pants and socks, but my shoes were tossed as if someone ripped them off.

Did Kaiden change my bandage and take my shoes off for me? Did he have someone else do it? Where was he?

My feet shuffled as I slowly stalked to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, looking around at the room. White sink, the plain white toilet, along with the white tub. The pale minty green wall was bright against the white sink and toilet. Turning on the water, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked dead. My face was paler than usual, my lips were a shade or two lighter, and my sweat appeared on my forehead. I felt hot. Was I getting sick? I never got sick unless it was between August and October during flu season.

Carefully, I started the bath as I peeled off my remaining clothes. I got in the tub once it was filled and my clothes were tossed on the floor. I used the edge of the tub to put my left elbow on, to keep my left shoulder elevated from touching the hot water. The water wasn't helping as I started to feel a little weaker. My eyes were growing heavy as I tried to keep my shoulder out of the water.

I thought I heard a door opening and closing, a faint calling of my name as my eyes closed. It was a losing a battle with my eyes refusing to open. I felt myself sliding in the tub, hearing the faint knocking, then water was surrounding me. I didn't know what to do and it felt as if I was floating in a waterfilled bottomless pit.

It was...nice. There was no pain, no agonizing sadness that'd been plaguing me since I had gotten out of the hospital after the night Kaiden saved me from Calvin. I only felt a tiny bit of guilt. I never got to be with Kaiden like a normal person. He only saw the damaged and bitchy side of me, which probably wasn't the best side of me to look at.

This was...still nice. I finally got a sense of what it meant to be a little bit at peace. Here, I wasn't depressed because of nightmare. I wasn't exhausted from four hours of sleep every day. My haphephobia wasn't going crazy from the accidental bumps I'd get when people rammed into me. My head wasn't pounding from the little bit of meals I could stand with the lack of sleep. My entire being wasn't a complete wreck from the trauma Calvin had inflected upon me.

I wondered if this was what dying was like. Before I had another thought of this endless floating, I was being ripped out of the water. So much for that peaceful floating.

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