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(happy reading and thank you all for the reads! you are all amazing and i humbly thank you all for the support i get! enjoy and i will try to keep uploading as much as i can for yall :D)

Liliana's P.O.V:

I exited the bathroom after my epiphany then looked to see Kaiden leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets and one foot on the wall with the other on the ground. I looked away from him as he tilted his head in my direction. I allowed myself to only look at his feet, fearing that I'd be lost in his eyes if I met them. Keeping a distance acceptable enough for my stupid ass heart, I trailed after Kaiden silently. He was silent, and the emotions from him in the bond were hidden as I knew he felt my guilt about everything.

Kaiden led me to an elevator, holding the door open for me to step in. I hesitated before taking a step in then hurried to a corner. Kaiden stepped in, pressing a button, then stood in the middle of the elevator as the doors slid shut. The elevator was silent, but I felt it descending unlike my heart. My heart had jumped into my throat, but I thanked my brain for helping me from uttering a single word to Kaiden. I wasn't trying to intentionally be a heartless bitch to him, but it was better than admitting to him about how I felt. He needed to forget about me as soon as Calvin was dead.

This was going to better for us in the long run......I hoped.

The elevator stopped on the fourth bottom floor and the door slowly slid open. Kaiden stepped out, holding his arm to block the doors from sliding close, and waited for me to step out. I looked at the button to close the door, wondering what would happen if I kicked his shit in and closed the door to head back up to the lobby. Would it be easier to have to be on the run from not only Calvin but from the hunters too? Would this life be better if I ran far and hid in plain sight from everyone? Maybe this all would've been avoided if I hadn't called Dan during my suicide attempted after the first time the grim reaper came out in Kaiden.

"Don't think about it, darling," Kaiden warned as if he read my mind and I finally looked up at him with tears starting to blur my vision.

I blinked rapidly, stopping tears from betraying me, and asked, "Hypothetically, what would happen if I ran from here?"

"The council would send me to bring you back here by any means necessary." Kaiden stated.

Translation: he'd bring my ass back kicking and screaming if I went this route.

"And what about Calvin? Would you have to—"

"You're a survivor from him. The council would put your retrieval at the top of the list. Hunters all over the U.S. would be lining up to catch you and bring you back here if not to bring you to me. I'm feared a lot more than you'd think, sweetheart." Kaiden stood in the doorway now with his hand still on the slit that had the door hidden.

So I was going to be dragged through this world no matter what huh? I felt the Mictecacihualt inside of me stirring in pain as I toyed with idea of running in my mind. My hand instinctively touched my injured shoulder, and I looked at Kaiden as he watched me. I saw his eyes watering as my eyes were mimicking his. This was a stupid idea, but thinking back...I always knew that Calvin was going to kill him one way or another.

"Kaiden," I breathed out, not stopping a tear in time. I asked as my voice started to crack, "Calvin is going to kill me...isn't he?"

Kaiden shook his head, "Not as long as you're next to me. He'll have to kill me to get you and I swear on everything, he won't hurt you again."

That broke my heart because I knew that I'd be the reason a lot of people would be dead...if I stayed. I only took a few steps, standing in front of Kaiden, and wrapped my arms around his waist. I held him, feeling tears starting to stream down my cheeks like a waterfall. Kaiden's arms latched around my body as he held me. I pulled slightly away, looking at him, then got on my tip toes. I pressed my lips softly against his, feeling his joyous shock in the bond at this. Kaiden kissed me back, one of his hands on the back of my head, and I finally felt happy in this simple kiss. I wasn't freaking out with him holding or kissing me. My entire being was swelling with overwhelming joy.

I broke the kiss, looking at him as he stared at me in shock, and I knew he saw my eyes were different. If Mictecacihuatl wanted me to protect him, then I was going to use her power to protect him in my own way. Even if it meant breaking his heart along with my own damned soul.

"I'm sorry," I breathed out, then let my arms slid down from his waist to keep them at my side.

"Liliana," Kaiden sucked in a breath.

Before he said anything else, I shoved my palm into his chest and watched him fly into the wall in front of the elevator. He caused the wall to crack on impact, falling to the ground, and I stepped back to the buttons. I watched him hold the back of his head as I pressed the button to close the doors.

Kaiden stared at me in pure agony as I finally admitted to him with the door closing, "I'm in love with you."

The doors closed and I pressed the button to go up to the lobby. I wiped my tears away, hearing a ghostly woman breaking down in my head. This was going to be the stupidest idea ever, but she wanted me to protect Kaiden. If she really wanted this, then it was going to be done my way. The elevator stopped at the lobby floor, and I let Micteacacihuatl's power flow through me fully. I wouldn't kill anyone, but I was going to make damn sure that I was leaving this fucking state and put Calvin on a goose chase that led him far away from Kaiden, my friends, and my family.

I walked out from the elevator, seeing a staff member on the phone, then she stared at me in shock as she noticed my eyes. I shifted my eyes to the wall next to her and she flew into the wall. I found the camera in the ceiling, staring at it until I saw sparks flying. A few of the guards tried rushing at me, but they bounced off an invisible wall around me. I walked out the front door, hearing glass shattering, feeling Kaiden's panicked and tortured emotions in the bond. I walked out the front door, turning back to see him running, then I looked at the guards that were drawing their guns out.

"Put the guns away! NOW!" Kaiden roared an order to them as Liam was hurrying to stand behind Kaiden.

"Lily, don't do it!" Liam shouted as I looked at them.

I felt another tear fall as I lifted my right up. I snapped my fingers and everyone else that was in my view just collapsed on the floor except for Kaiden and Liam. I walked to Liam's Impala, getting in the driver's seat, and ripped open the part that had the wires in it. Thankfully, Ian's hot-wiring tutorial on classic cars came into my head. I started up Liam's Impala, seeing Liam trying to wake some of the guards up as Kaiden was full on sprinting in my direction. I sped off once I got the stupid thing in drive, then looked in the rear-view mirror to see Kaiden trying to chase after the car while screaming my name at the top of his lungs.

I kept my foot slammed on the gas pedal, not caring if I was going to be chased by the cops. Part of me wanted to turn this old piece of shit around and beg Kaiden to forgive me. I knew that it was impossible as I drove down the road. I kept on driving, trying to get out of the city. I kept wiping my tears away with each mile I was putting in between myself and my soulmate. The radio in this car didn't help either as it was playing sad heartbreak songs no matter what station I changed it to.

I only mentally just wished that this was going to drag Calvin out and follow me to keep Kaiden and my loved ones safe. I felt more tears falling as I thought of what Liam would've said to my brothers in this stunt I was pulling. Would he say that I went through with my plan of going off the grid? Would he even tell them I was now a missing persons' officially? How would my dad and littlest brother take it? They were broken about it the first time I went missing and now here I was. Not getting abducted, but going into a wild goose chase with a 1,000 year old vampire ex-boyfriend and grim reaper that I was in love with chasing after me.

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