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Liliana's P.O.V:

I sat in the dingy motel room on top of a bed that felt like the sheets hadn't been washed in a day or so. I mindlessly flipped through the TV channels, when I just turned it off. I wanted to go home so much right now but a part of me was worried about...Kaiden. Why the hell was I worried about him? He was tall as hell, and I'd seen over the time I've met him how he was able to defend himself. Hell, he even unloaded his whole damned gun into my deranged ex just about thirty minutes ago.

Walking to the window, I peeked through the blinds then noticed a car pulling up. It was a deputy car from my town. What the hell were they doing all the way out here? Had Ian been out looking for me? Did they see the horror movie scene of that hospital? There was way too many questions that were stomping through my brain. I needed to get a drink or some damn sleep, even a nap.

I stared out the window for a few more minutes before backing away. I felt a cold chill wash over me, making me shiver a tiny bit. What hell was that?! I looked around, holding myself, and felt a small wave of fear hitting me. I looked around the small motel room, wondering if the air conditioning was on full blast. Why was I cold all of sudden? As if death itself just embraced me in its freezing cold hug. The feeling suddenly vanished as the door was being pounding on.

I walked to the door, looking through the peep hole, and saw no one coming out of the car. Unlocking the motel room door, I stepped out from the motel room. The air was cooler, making me shiver a tiny bit, then I noticed one of Ian's trusted deputies hopping out the car. There was a bandage on her neck from the streetlight hitting her at the right angle, then walked into the office. I stepped back in the motel room, closing the door, and locking the deadbolt along with the chain latch. I looked back out the peep hole, seeing the deputy walking around the property, and quickly flicked off the light.

I backed away from the peep hole whole, sitting next to the door to hide from someone trying to peak in the window. I held the jacket Kaiden left on me closed, trying to keep from panicking mentally by the comforting smell of rain and leather. I wanted...Kaiden. No, stop you stupid heart! I wanted to rip it out. I was never this dependent on someone but in this very moment, I knew that all I was wanting was Kaiden to be with me. No, I wasn't going to rely on him appearing when I needed him like he was fucking Houdini.

I refused to be one of those broads that sat around and waited to be saved by some dark knight. I was going to earn my way out of here. I crawled on all fours to the other side of the bed, laying flat on the floor when I noticed a light being shined in the window. Fuck me! There was a pounding on the window, and I covered my mouth with my hand. Fuck me running sideways! I managed to stay completely still, hearing the deputy leaving, then slowly got to my hands and knees. I peeked over the bed, seeing that there was no flashlight in the window still. I pulled myself to lay on the bed, keeping the lights off, and crawled to lay in the middle of the bed.

I knew it was probably a bad idea to sleep right now, but I was slowly feeling the adrenaline from earlier this night slip away. I sat up, taking off Kaiden's jacket, then used it as a blanket over my upper body. I closed my eyes, drifting in and out of sleep. During the small times I was awake, the smell coming off Kaiden's jacket had soothed me back to sleep instantly.

I was woken up to the sound of the hotel room being pounded on worse than the cop did earlier. I tossed Kaiden's jacket off me, rubbing my eyes as I stood up. I walked to the door, flicking on the lights, and groggily got the locks off and unlatched the chain. I opened it, rubbing my eyes, and saw Jason holding a very groggy Kaiden.

"Would you move, Lily? This big ol' boy is heavy," Jason shoved me aside as I heard Liam's Impala pulling into the motel parking lot.

Jason had let Kaiden fall face first into the mattress, Nathan ran in with Liam trailing behind with a duffle bag in each hand. I closed the door behind them, hearing Liam faintly over the other two talking in a foreign language to lock it. I thought about locking it, wondering if this was my chance to run out of here, then I felt three pairs of eyes on me.

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