9 (part 2)

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(idk if there's a trigger in here for some but please let me know. anyways: here's the last bit of part 9)

Kaiden's P.O.V:

When we arrived at my house, Lily was hesitant to get out of her car. I got out, closing the door, and walked to the driver side. I opened the car door for her, waiting for her to get out, and she only looked away from me as she muttered something about wanting to go home. Lily stepped out the car, closing the door, and silently followed me to the front door. Opening the front door, I held it for her and motioned for her to walk in. Lily stepped in, hesitating every movement she made, then I followed behind her as I closed the front door.

I had her follow me to the dining room, and Nate was already on his laptop doing some paperwork. He had a cigarette just hanging from his lips, his hair completely ruffled up, and his glasses were on his face. I felt bad that I had woke him up, but I didn't want to call Jace since I knew he had Aimee with him or around him. I motioned for Lily to take a seat, watching her sit in the chair to my left as Nate was in the chair to my right, then sat at the head of the table. Nate took a drag of his cigarette, taking it out of his mouth, then blew smoke in the air.

I took the cigarette from him, putting it out in the ashtray as I asked him, "Anything yet?"

"I've combed over the CCTV and only saw a few things that would pique your interest," Nate glared at his crushed cigarette, then showed me his laptop. He looked at Lily, probably noticing her jaw that now had a fresh deep purple bruise on it, then asked, "Do you need an ice pack, Liliana? I can get you some Tylenol too. Do you like water or soda?"

"Water's fine," her was soft, timid, and I felt her eyes just staring into the side of my face as I looked at the CCTV footage Nate found.

I watched the footage. The footage was just outside the diner we all went to the night Lily left at the waitress outright offering herself up to us. My eyes were widening in both anger and shock. The vampire was still fucking alive!! And he was here? Stalking her? I looked at Lily as she was looking around the dining room in amazement at it. She didn't know and this was going to shatter her mental state to pieces.

I only watched her thanking Nate softly for the water and the ice pack, then he left to go find her some Tylenol. Nate was quick, giving her the bottle so she'd get out however many she needed, then he sat down in the chair as he motioned to me to keep on watching. I hit the space bar to play the rest of the video he found, then started in horror as I saw the poor bastard that hit her getting bit and forced to be a thrall just an hour before he entered the club. The fucking vampire was making his move slowly but surely.

Dammit! I slammed my fist down on the table, looking at my brother and growled through gritted teeth, "Is the fucking leech still in town?"

"Leech?" Lily repeated.

Nate only nodded to me, and said, "I asked some of the local pack alphas that Jace has made friends with to follow the parasite and they confirmed he's staying in a motel near town."

"Fuck," I slammed the laptop shut, then looked at Lily as she was watching us.

No matter what, she was going to have to come with me to Texas. Either by her own will or my own self dragging her kicking and screaming. I slammed my fist on the table again, this time hearing a cracking sound on the wood, and looked down to see that I nearly broke this damned table again. I looked at my brother, trying to control my anger at this fucked up mess that not only I was in, but now it involved Lily more.

"I'll get the stuff. Good luck, boss," Nate grabbed his laptop, getting up, then nearly flew out the dining room.

Lily stared at me, her confusion and fear was now dominating the bond, and I stood up. I grabbed her by the hand, hearing her complaining again about not wanting to be touched, but I ignored her. I felt guilty for dragging her up to my bedroom, but it was the only place I knew that I could contain her easily. One: my room door had a lock on it, and two: the only places she could really attempt to hide in was either my closet or my bathroom. I looked at Nate as he was coming out of his room with his hands hiding the sedative, and I stopped to stare at him in shock. He darted back in his room, slamming the door shut, then pulled Lily back down the hallway.

I had her go in my room first, stepping in behind her, then closed my door. I locked the door as she walked towards my bed, then I walked to the desk chair. I pulled the chair out, sitting down, and she turned to look at me. How the fuck was I going to start this conversation? "Hi, we're soulmates and your psycho ex-boyfriend is a thousand-year-old vampire that's back to try and kill you?" No, that didn't sound right even to me.

Lily looked around some more, then I cleared my throat to get her attention. I said as she looked at me, "Can you sit down on the bed please?"

"Why am I here," she didn't waste time in demanding things.

I took my hair out of the ponytail I had it in all night, then said, "Lily, please sit down."

"Not until you tell me why you've locked me in your bedroom," so she heard the lock click? Smart girl.

I looked at her, and said, "Lily, what do you remember about your ex-boyfriend? You can tell me any detail about him."

"Why are you bringing him up?" She spat out, venom that contained hatred in her heart towards the leech had seeped out, and I smirked slightly.

I ran my hands through my hair, slowly standing up, and asked her, "Did he like to bite you?"

"How did you..." she trailed off, looking at me with her emotions of denial coming through the bond.

"Did he ever seem too pale? Or his skin was colder than a normal person's skin?" I kept on asking, and Lily only looked away from me. I asked once more, "Did he like to bite you?"

Her fear was slipping in and taking over her denial as she said, "There's not a word for what he'd like to do to me. I'm not talking about this."

I knew this was going to bite me in the ass later, but I had to do this. I asked her, "Your ex......he was a vampire, wasn't he?"

She stared at me with her eyes watering as she fought back her tears by saying, "He was a psychotic freak."

"Liliana," I called her full name, and she looked away from me. I didn't want to do this, but I had to. I said, "Liliana, you were taken by a vampire and treated as if you were his blood slave."

"I'm not talking about this. Especially not with you," she glared at me, a small tear was now rolling out of the corner of her eye and down her cheek.

"I don't want to talk about that fucker either, but we have to," I really didn't want to talk about this leech with the woman that I was in love with.

"No, we don't," she glared, her tear dripped off the bottom of her chin. She growled at me, "I'm going home and you won't be able to stop me."

She tried to push pass me, but I stopped her by slightly showing my strength in shoving her back a few times. Lily only stared at me, her tears were a mix between denial, the memories of the trauma she'd suffered from that vampire, and an overwhelming dose of fear. I knew this was breaking her mental state in half. How I wanted to stop and just hold her, but I didn't have the balls to do it.

Then before I could say anything, Lily ran up to me, and tried to shoulder tackle through me. I caught her, holding her away from me at an arm's length by her biceps. She threw her leg with all her strength, kicking me square in the balls with her shin, then I let her go as she shoved me down to the ground. I was fighting the reaper from coming out, mentally screaming at him to stand down, then heard the door click. Lily yanked it open, running out as I heard Nate calling after, and I used my desk chair to get to my knees as the reaper was slowly taking over.

Shit! Why did she have to do that? Great, now he was going to come out and scare her even more than she already was.

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