47 (part 1)

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(thank you to all who are waiting patiently for me to upload! it means more to me than you will ever know! with that, this part will be in two parts and i know this first part might be short but the next part will make up for it, i promise! as always please enjoy and let me know what yall think! happy reading and again thank you all ^-^ )

Liliana's P.O.V:

My eyes fluttered open, staring at the blindly white ceiling. If I was in that fucking hospital again, I was going to flip my actual shit. Looking over my right shoulder, I noticed a black strap that led to a black sling. My left arm felt numb then I tried to wiggle it. There was shearing pain and I fought against screaming out a cuss word. Slowly sitting up, the hospital blanket slid down to my waistline. I looked down at my clothes that were now replaced by a black tank top and a blue and green plaid patterned pajama pants that were poking out from where the blanket was bunched at. I shoved the blanket off of me with my right hand, hating the feeling of being incapable of using both my arms. My feet were covered in the god-awful shade of green sock someone would get at the hospital if they complained enough to a nurse their feet were cold.

Getting off the bed, I wobbled a bit once both my feet were firmly placed on the tiled floor. I carefully walked to the room door, opening it, and looked to see that I was in a hospital similar to the one from the dream Cameron stuck me in. I held onto my left arm in the sling, walking down the hallway. I hoped I wasn't back in that place again. Part of me was skeptical and thought I was. I stopped at a nurse's station, seeing the male nurse texting away on his phone.

I cleared my throat, and tried to get his attention, "Excuse me. Sir, could you please tell me—"

"You're in a hospital, duh. Jesus, you're dumber than you look." The male nurse scoffed, not even bothering to look up from his phone as he moved his hand to slam his acrylic nails against each other.

"I just want to know which hospital, fucking dick," I muttered under my breath.

He snapped his head up, opened his mouth, but he only stared behind me. I didn't have to see the look in his eyes to know that Kaiden was standing behind me. I felt Kaiden's slight anger at the male nurse. Kaiden put something over my shoulders, making me look up at him, and he stepped forward to lean partly on the reception desk.

"Name?" Kaiden demanded.

"Hunter Williams." The male nurse's voice was trembling in fear.

Kaiden only glared at him, coldly stating, "You're off hospital duty. Go report to Alpha Hale and tell him I sent you to get reassigned."

"You can't do that! Only Hunter Alcantara can!" The nurse obviously didn't know who he just screamed at.

Kaiden looked at the head nurse, an elderly woman, who walked into the room, and said, "You're the head nurse? Fire him."

"Yes, Hunter Alcantara. May I ask the reason?" The elderly woman asked him as if she's known him almost his whole life. Before Kaiden could answer, she looked at me, and gasped, "Oh my! Is this the lovely woman who's your soulmate? Your grandmother has doted on her so much in our conversations and now I see why. You're very pretty, young miss."

"Thanks." I muttered and felt Kaiden's pride beaming through the bond.

The male nurse only stared at Kaiden in shock, who took my right hand in his, and sank to the ground as Kaiden repeated, "He's to be fired or reassigned within the next four hours. Send him to Alpha Hale with a message about him disrespecting my soulmate. Have a nice day, Ms. Shelia."

The elderly nurse only smiled at the both of us then Kaiden pulled me away as she turned to look at the male nurse. Wait...was this hospital from the day I ran faster than a bat out of hell from Texas? Kaiden was gentle when he tugged me to step back into my hospital room, closing the door behind him, and I walked to sit on the bed. Kaiden grabbed the water jug, taking it to the water dispenser to get some water on the other side of the room. I watched him fill the jug up, walking to the small tray, and poured some out into the small pink cup. He poured another cup, carrying both and set one down on the nightstand next to me.

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