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                                                                                      ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

The clicking and clocking of  clock is heard within the halls and rooms of Gracefield orphanage.The sun pears just above the bell tower before the clock strikes twelve and the clock chimes for early morning wake up.A orange haired girl slowly peers her eyes open, then levitates her back off her bed, turning to the other sleeping children in the room and yelling out,"Good morning everyone!" , with her hands up in the air and a big smile on the face." ...time to  get up or you'll miss breakfast!" Each small child wakes up, some tired,some excited, and some grumpy.The early morning of October 12th, 2045 was a normal morning like every other.All the children rush to get ready for breakfast as the orange haired girl buttons up a little blond haired boys white blouse. "I'm gonna get you!" "Yea right!" two boys scream as one chases the other."Hey stop messing around and get ready!" A green haired girl yells at the two young boys.

A h/c haired girl wakes up much later than them and gives out a big yawn before looking around the room.White clothes everywhere, whether it be skirt,pants,shirts, or socks, even shoes were everywhere.A little girl jumps on the girls bed and gives her a big hug as an every morning greeting.The older girl smiles at her and gives her a hug back before getting herself ready. After the girl finished getting ready, she looked to her left to see two young ones crying to the orange hair girl for problems with their shoes. "Ill help you in a second, there is no need to cry!" After the orange haired girl fixes the shoes with the younger kids, she meets up with the h/c haired girl. " Hey Y/n!Good morning!" she says while running up to her. Y/n slowly lifts up her head from buttoning her blouse and replies, "Morning,Emma."


Children run through the halls to the dining room for breakfast while a light skin boy and a little golden blonde hair girl wait at the entrance. "Good morning Don, morning Cony!...you too little bunny!" "Good morning!" "Good morning Emma!" The duo reply.Emma runs into the dining hall with a kid in her arms, "Look, were here just in time!" , she exclaims before getting pushed in the back by the two boys running earlier, making her drop the kid in her arms.The boys chuckle as they've thought that they sacred the girl, until Emma turns around giving them a menacing glare. "Now you've done it.....rahhhhhhHHH i'm gonna eat you!" She yells before chasing the duo  outside the dining hall. Y/n chuckles, observing the scene in front of her. "And off they go again." The green haired girl stands next to y/n giggling with her. Emma runs through the hall catching the duo while the little boy she was holding runs up  behind them and jumps on Emma's back. They all run back into the dining room while Emma has the little boy on her back,him holding his hand inside her mouth. "Morning Ray!Morning Norman!" Her voice catches the attention of two males, looking to be about the same age as her and y/n. "Hi Emma, morning!" The white hair boy, known as Norman, greets. "Morning! Emma." The black hair boy, known as Ray, mocking her. "You're so full of energy and you've haven't even had breakfast yet!" Norman says jokeingly. "Cmon how old are you? Five?" Ray asks judgingly. Before Emma could react, he turns to Y/n. "Morning Y/n, you look more tired today, don't tell me you stayed up reading again." Y/n turned to see Ray grinning at her teasingly as he could see the eye bags under her eyes. "Well Good morning Ray, and actually no, last night I actually got a full night of sleep, thank you very much!" Ray just pat her head in return before setting up the plates. "Hey i'm twelve, same as you guys!" Emma yelled back at ray. "And one of the oldest kids here!", she continued. Emma heard a giggle behind her only to find her mom  laughing at her whining. "You're laughing too mom?!?" Emma yelled being desperate. "Emma, come help me out with the food." She smiled at Emma's  'so over it' face. "In a minute! I wanna redo my enterance because Ray teased me!" Emma whined while hugging Isabella. "Why change it? It shows just what i love about you." She replied. "That i'm five years old at heart?" Emma said feeling hopeless. Isabella shook her head, "That isn't what I meant, I love how deeply you care about your family." She said before cupping both of Emma's cheeks. Emma gave her a shoked face then quickly replaced it with a joyful smile. "Thank you mom, i'm glad!"


ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now