ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ 4

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                                                                                        ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮/ꪀׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ 

I'm running through a field of flowers, red flowers. The flowers were in a big kerfuffle while the hard green stem sprouted out of the ground and stood tall as if it was metal.They're so beautiful, so bright, so independent, so nostalgic,so interesting, so dissimilar, so dark, so .. uncomforting, so .... horrifying. The used to be bright, vibrant flowers from before suddenly became more and more dark and gloomy. It doesn't feel right. I stop running and look behind me, to find the field of flowers I was just running in, the ones that gave off a relaxing feeling. But I turn to a table, an oval shaped dining table with nothing on it. I crouch down, looking under the table for anything, once I find nothing, I rise back up, only to find Conny's dead body laid on a big dinner plate. I stare at her in horror as her big beaded eyes stare back at mine. I turn to run away, only to be faced with a demon opening its gargantuan mouth open to swallow me whole.


I wake up with big beads of sweat covering my forehead. 'Just a dream'. I sit up and look into the empty space in front of me until I hear someone whisper my name. "Y/n!" , I turn my head to see Emma whisper-yelling my name. I get out of bed and make my way to Emma's. "What's wrong?" ,I ask her, as I sit on her bed next to her. "You had it too right? A nightmare?" Her question caught me off guard, I expected her to give me a 4 hour lecture of how we shouldn't have gone down to the gate, but she got straight to the point. "Uh, yea."  There was a moment of silence.I didn't realize witnessing something so traumatizing could make things so awkward, but then she spoke up, " Me and Norman talked about escaping." I turn my face straight to hers. "Escaping? How would you do that?" Emma gave me a light hearted smile, "Strategy,like we did in tag!" "Tag?...Oh my god yea!" It took me a while to understand her intentions, but then it finally hit me. "We'll start planning tomorrow morning.For now, let's try to go back to sleep!" "Alright good night Emma." I get up off Emma's bed and go back to my own. "Goodnight!"


 Me and Norman walk into the dining room with smiles on our faces. 'Don't let mom notice anything.' We both spot Emma looking at mom as if she'd seen a ghost. "Hey Emma, good morning!" I walk up to her and whisper in her ear. "Come on, smile." She tenses up as I turn to Norman and give him a nod to go talk with Emma while I help set up breakfast. "Good morning  Y/n." I look up from organizing the plates to Ray looking at me with a smug look on his face. "Good morning Ray!" I reply with a bright smile. I could tell he noticed the fake smile plastered on my face, but he kept quiet about it. "You mind helping me with setting up the plates? It'll take longer if only I do it." "Sure, why not."  You and Ray both start setting up the table together. You both didn't bother talking at all, so comfortable silence is what was given during the moment. 

                                                                                            ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

The raven haired boy was going to speak up, about to break the silence, until Norman and Emma walked into the dining room with big smiles. "Hey y/n! Can you help me and Emma with the table cloths?" "Oh sure!" Ray watches as y/n ran up to Norman and Emma into the backroom with a blank look.    As soon as y/n walked in, Norman and Emma were talking about how good the harvests are, depends on the  test scores. "... and why do you think being between six and twelve matters?" Emma says looking down confused. " Is it the size of our bodies?.. it can't be because then weight would be a factor." A couple seconds pass by before the realization hits y/n. "It's our brains." she says shockingly. "Huh? That means-!" "The brain probably tastes the best." Norman finishes Emma off. "...and the more developed it is, the better." Y/n continues. "They eat...brains?" Emma said worried.  "Seems so, and they'll spend a lot on them. Which makes us valuable merchandise....Remember the order? Conny was shipped recently, before her was Hao, and Ceddy before him.Following the cycle they've used so far, the next shipment should be at least two months from now. Which means us three need to come up with a plan for all of us to escape from here before then."

ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now