ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻr 21

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                                                     ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

"Sonju and Mujika?"  Norman questioned as he held his face in his hands. "The evil-blooded girl is still alive?" "Evil blooded?" Y/n and Ray asked at the same time. "Then you know about them. Did you meet them too?" Emma also asked. He lifted his head up. "No, I never met them. I've only heard rumors. They described a demon girl who was an anomaly. She never ate human flesh because she didn't need it to retain her form or intelligence. The stories about her go back about 700 years. Give or take. People say she appeared after the promise, but before the farms. A savior figure who showed up in a starving village." He explained. "Huh, really?" "Yea. She transferred her to the demons in the village using her blood. She had them drink one drop of it and they obtained a humanoid form that didn't have to eat human flesh ever again to retain it."

  "Also, her blood could convert others. Just like hers could." The three gasp lightly in shock. "What?! You're kidding." Emma exclaimed. "And that's all it took? One drop of her blood and they were all like her?" Ray asked. Y/n finally began to realize the main target of Norman's plan after that.  "Mhm, and then, it converted demons who moved onto other towns. They shared their blood with those demons, saving them from starvation. However, when the royals and aristocracy found out, they rounded up the affected demons. They had them executed and devoured them all." The three gasp in shock as Norman then leaned his face into his hands. "The evil blooded girl was supposed to have been killed then too. But, if she's not dead.." "They've been traveling around this whole time hiding to avoid being caught." Ray finished off, looking down. "So, I don't really get it, what's the point of it all? Do you? What's the upper hand in killing the demons Mujika converted?" Y/n questioned, narrowing her eyes at her cousin. 

Norman sat up, looking Y/n in the eyes. "They were afraid of her. Of her blood and power." Y/n almost spoke up before Emma interrupted. "They were afraid? What is there to be afraid about? All their blood did was make it so they didn't have to eat humans anymore-" "That's the problem." Emma furrowed her brows. "Huh? But how!?" "The royals and aristocracy. They control the meat supply through the farm system. Get it? With that, they can pick who gets the meat, how much they get, and when. That gives them the power to rule their subjects. They can't give that up, so..They had to kill'em. Isn't that right?" Ray explained as he looked back at Norman. He nodded before Ray continued. "Maybe the promise wasn't about keeping peace. It was about the royals grabbing all the power. It's easier to control their people, if they control the meat. Anyone who gets in their way has to die." "That's awful.." Emma said, sadly.  

"It's not surprising though. In the end, everyone is out for themselves. Not everyone is as kind and virtuous as you Emma." Norman said bitterly as Emma's eyes looked like shiny glass. "..Anyways, I'm worried about these other demons, Sonju and Mujika. With the power in their blood, they can just change all the demons back. They're a threat to our plan, and we can't trust them to ally with us. We have to find them and kill them." Norman finished. Emma and Ray gasped as Y/n clenched her jaw tightly. Emma stood up abruptly. "Not even! Sonju and Mujika aren't a threat! They saved our lives, they're our friends! I won't kill them!" Emma shouted. 

"..Emma, they're demons just the same. You think they'll just stand by and let us exterminate their kind? They won't, you know that." "Then we shouldn't exterminate them!...Norman, I don't wanna do this. That's what I came here to talk to you about. You said yourself, Mujika's blood is special. Maybe we don't even need her blood, the royals and aristocrats have it too. Since they ate demons like her, their blood is like her's. And we don't have to kill them either. We just capture them and the demons that manage the farms and then give a few drops of blood to all the others-" "No Emma." Norman interrupted, sounding more annoyed as he was now standing. "Even if they don't have to eat us, it's their nature to. When you think about it, we're the same way. If someone told you you couldn't eat your favorite food anymore, could you stop just like that? And what about your family? Could you force them to stop? Would the demons have enough empathy, to not eat us even if they didn't have to? When all we ever were to them was food?-" "Then let's just go to the human world! Mr.Minerva's message said it was a real thing! We'll be leaving with demons to degenerate, but still. That's not killing them." Emma said before opening up the projecting pen. 

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