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Yep that's right. I finally surrender. I will be doing a manga version. BUT. That doesn't mean I'm writing that WHOLE THING again. I'm gonna be writing it where it starts to change in the manga. 

I will be starting the book off right when they come to the under ground bunker and meet Yuugo. 

--SO that means the chapters will start off on the middle of chapter 16. When they're in the desert.

For the Snakes of Alvar Pinera scene in the manga (It's not in the anime), it'll be either the prologue or an extra chapter. B/c I'm not re writing all of you meeting Sonju and Mujika. 

And For the first chapter in the book, I'll say basically the same stuff I'm saying now, just in case new reader come and read that and get confused. 

The updates will probably be really slow b/c I suck ass at reading manga. But, I'll try my best to update as fast as I can. Thank you all so much and see you in the next book. 

The book is called "Peace"

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