ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ 14

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                                                                                            ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ  

All the children ran through the forest. Their breaths jagged and their foreheads sweating. They all ran together in a group. Emma, Y/n, and Ray in the back. Y/n forcefully smiled and yelled out, " 'Quit worrying! It's like playing tag!' He says!" What seems to be behind the children, chasing them, is an enormous demon. The color of its 'face' was red with millions of bright yellow eyes covering its head. To top it all off, it had big long black legs that slammed to the ground as it chased the group. Its big and disfigured teeth stood out while it screeched in fury. Then, one of the youngest ones, Jemima, fell to the ground, almost in reach of the demon until Emma swooped her up into her arms.

"I didn't think freedom could be so wonderful, yet so terrifying."



 All the kids walk through the forest, looking around at each thing that stands out. From the trees, to the live animals. "Whoa. Did you guys ever see trees this huge before?" Don exclaims. "Nuh uh. Their nothing like the trees we had back at the house." Gilda answers. All the kids look closely and walk around the forest together. Some investigating and some just playing around like Thoma and Lannion. "You butt head!" Thoma shouts while chasing Lannion on a bent tree. Lannion then falls to the ground. "Lani!" "I'm okay.."  Y/n, Ray, and Emma all walk together and look around while Emma looks at their compass. "All right guys. Let's take a break. But there's a search party after us by now. And who knows what's in these woods. So stay alert." Emma says. Everyone then sits in a group and starts to eat. "We only saved so much food and water, so we have to make it last. Don't gobble it all. Just eat a little bit, okay?"  "Okay!" The children agree as Ray looks to his right to see Y/n standing a distance away. Y/n looks out to the forest with a troubled look, deep in thought. That was until someone comes up behind her, roaring and shoving a jar filled with water in her face. She yells out in fright, only  to see it was Ray handing her water. "You jerk-!" "Quit worrying. You remember training? This is like playing tag. Animals always leave tracks, and I don't see any. So there's nothing here to worry about." Ray says as he hands the girl the jar of water. "Go on, you need rest. I'll keep watch while you're gone, okay?" Ray says, the last word ending softly. Y/n only smiles sweetly in return and looks out to the forest again. "Okay, thanks Ray." Ray looks to Y/n for a bit until closing his eyes and sighing. "I'm sorry Y/n." "Why?" "If I'd cooperated from the start, you wouldn't have lost your ear.." Y/n gives him a stunned look until smiling again. "Don't worry about it, it was worth it.  As long as you're alive and smiling!" She says. Ray looked to the ground and smirked, "Thanks for saying that." He then turned to the group of kids, then back to Y/n. "Y/n, I swear i'll live. to protect our family. To protect them all. The same as you and Emma do. I promise. I swear on my life. No matter what, I won't abandon them again." The girl looked at him in small worry. "Ray.." "We'll carry that load together." Y/n gives a genuine smile while blushing a bit. The two let a small pause be let between them until Emma comes running up to them "Alright guys, what's the plan from here?" Emma exclaims with a bright smile. "We're almost out of water. But you remember that big river we saw? We can fill our jars up there." Y/n recommends. "Great idea Y/n! Let's do that first. And I bet we can find some food around there too." Emma adds. Ray then looks away. "Wait a sec, we have to think like our enemy. They would expect us to go there." Ray says before Don and Gilda come running up to the three. "Emma, Y/n, Ray!" They both jump over a big tree stump and stop in front of the three. "Now that we're free, do you have any idea where we should go next?" "Yep, we'll head southeast." Emma replies. "South....east?" "It's between south and east." "I know I'm not that dumb." Don says to Gilda, placing his hand on her shoulder. Emma giggles while taking a pen out her pocket. "Show'em." Don and Gilda both look at the grey checkered pen. "Oh, that's the pen that Norman gave us. Does the W.M. stand for William Minerva?" Gilda asks. "Uh huh. We're gonna let him guide us to where we need to go next." Emma says before Ray takes the pen out her hands and pops off the lid. All of a sudden, after taking off the cap, a whole screen is projected from the pen. On the screen was the same William Minerva owl and coordinates. "Whoa!" "What the heck?!" Gilda and Don exclaim. "They're our coordinates. B 01-14." Y/n explains. "Our coordinates?" Don asks as all the other children gather around to look at the screen. "Yep, check this out." Y/n touched the screen a bit before it changed to a map with coordinate lines. "B 01.....-14. That's right where we are." Y/n says as she pointed to the place where they all were. All the children gasp in awe.She then clicks the screen to go back to where it first started. 

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