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                                                                                         ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

     The clock strikes midnight as the halls in The Gracefield are dark and quiet. Isabella stands in front of a cluster of drawings while only one in the middle catches her interest. She takes the pins out of the wall holding the drawing in place and admires the piece of art.The drawing is what was viewed to be her and Conny holding hands in a sunny landscape with vibrant green grass and a light blue sky.She gives the whole thing one last glance till she hugs the drawing to her chest.She closes her eyes and smiles at the warm feeling the piece of paper gives.

"I couldn't run fast, and I wasn't as clever as the rest of you are. But once I leave, i'll do my best; and I can with little bunny's help!" The little girl gave out her miniature speech to the rest of her old siblings. Conny was going to be adopted by another family, in other words, leaving the house. She wore a black top hat with a gray ribbon circling around it, and her casual white uniform with a black jacket draped over it all.She topped it all off with the little bunny she held in her arms. "Conny..." Don said, trailing off into a devastated expression. Conny's smile soon turned into a frown as she started to cry. "I don't wanna leave you, i wanna stay right here!" The little girl whined out as tears poured from her big eyes. Don soon started to cry with her, due to them being an unstoppable duo. "Conny, i'll miss you!"


The big brown wooden door close with a loud thud as Isabella and Conny walk outside to the big gate.Isabella hums a lullaby to Conny as they both walk down the field to the big gate across the forest. "Hey mom, what song is that?" Conny asks. Isabella only gives her child a sweet smiled glance before looking back in front of her, continuing to hum.As soon as he hum ends, they both arrive to the big red bricked gate.   All the kids stare at the door in sadness, as to they have just 'lost' one of their siblings. Most children go get ready for bed, while the eldest clean up a little around the dining room. Emma walks past one of the table until something big,white, and fluffy catches her eye. She waits a moment before reacting, "Conny!?!?!, You left little bunny?!?" She yells out as she looks at the small stuffed animal. Gilda walking in with Norman and Y/n, holding broom sticks ready to sweep around the dining room for any trash left behind. Until she hears her sibling cry out."Lets try and get the cleaning done -" Emma runs around the dining room tables before stopping in front of one specific table and picking up the big stuffed animal. "Oh, little bunny, but Conny's gone!" , Y/n says worried. "What should we do?" , Emma asks desperately. "There's still time." , all the kids in the room turn around to Ray walking behind them. "...I could see from the window the lights at the gate were still on. Mom hasn't come back yet either, so I don't think Conny has left just yet." He finishes. "Let's hurry guys!" Norman says. Y/n and Emma only nod back before following Norman out the door.

The three tweens all run down the hill to the gate, Emma holding Conny's gargantuan stuffed animal.Once the trio made it to the gate, they all stop in front of it for a minute.Its big red bricked walls stood tall and the black metal bars lifted up, signaling its open. " 'Never go near the gate or fence.' "  Emma repeats her mothers words. "I know, but we'll both get in trouble later." Y/n says with a big smirk.          The three take a peek from behind a corner of the bricked gate. "Conny?" Emma whispers.Once they all see the coast is clear, they get out of hiding and walk through the gate.     Silent        Everything was silent while walking up to what was viewed to be a truck.Drops of water are heard breaking most of the silence. Y/n look to see pipes above one the ceiling, one of them leaking water, causing it to drip, and make a puddle. The trio stopped in front of the big truck. "Is that the truck that's gonna take Conny to her new home? I've never seen a vehicle in real life ." Emma asks before commenting on the truck. Norman goes to check the windows of the truck while Y/n goes to look in the space between the front of the truck and its big cargo bed. Emma goes to inspect the puddle y/n saw before, watching the puddle splash after every droplet. Norman jumps onto the small step of the truck and looks through the open window, only to see no one. Y/n looks as to what's behind the middle of the truck and its cargo bed, only to see the brick wall again with water running down it.

ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now