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                                                                                       ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ 

"Hey Emma, Y/n, we should start playing tag in teams from now on." Norman says while hanging up wet dining table cloth. "Why's that?" Emma asks. "Honestly, most would die if they escaped on their own." Ray says. "Oh come on Ray!" Y/n yells at him. "Not to say they don't have some potential. But we shouldn't let them run solo." He continues, smirking. "We'll make formations and take off in teams!" "That way we can simulate the real escape." "The real escape..." Emma mutters after Norman and Rays plan. "I have an idea as well!" Y/n exclaims as the three look at her. "Let's tell Don and Gilda. If we get them on our side, they can be team leaders." "And what if they turn out to be mom's informants?-" "Don't worry, we'll basically be killing two birds with one stone! Here, just leave it all to me, I've already made arrangements." Norman continues Y/n's suggestion as he puts his pointer finger to his mouth. "Emma." Emma turns her attention to Ray as he assigns her a job, " Listen up, I need you to memorize these formations, there are a hundred of them." "Wait, do you mean by ear?" Emma questions, sweat dropping while Ray smirks. "That a problem?" "Easy peasy!"


The four separated into four groups of kids. Norman, Emma, and Y/n being the hiders while Ray and his group are the seekers. "The goal here is to not get caught, you got ten minutes... Go!" He yells out. "Hey, follow me!" "Let's go guys, catch up!" "Let's surprise Ray by winning!" The three give out encouraging words to the children as they all run down the hill. Once they make it to the forest, Y/n signals behind her to the kids to split into the three groups they were assigned to, to go on different trails. The three share their separate time with their group, giving them different signals to not get caught.All the kids meet up at the hill after the game was over. "That was so fun!" Phil yells out to his older siblings. "You did pretty amazing out there Phil!" Emma praises while patting his head. "Hey can we do that again? And this time I wanna be the leader!" "Maybe we should take a little break first." Gilda recommends after Don's burst of energy. 

The four meet up at a table outside of the house and discuss every ones scores. "This was a great idea, I think it will work!" Emma says happily. Y/n nods as Ray speaks up, "Hey Emma, what's Phil's score?" "His score huh? I'm pretty sure averaging about 203." "Pretty high." Y/n says after Emma's answer. "When we played tag with sister, and now, he was one of the last one's standing, how odd." Emma looks between Ray, Y/n, and Norman, "Hm?" "On top of that, he and sherry are always looking for you two." A moment of silence is shared while Emma deeply thinks about every one's scores until.. "WAHHHH, STOP IT! I don't wanna suspect him, there's no way!" Emma yells out while holding her head in her hands. "You gotta be more suspicious of everyone you idiot! This is life or death." Ray yells at Emma, aggrivated. Emma looks between all her sibling to the one's talking to Sister Krone and the one's talking to their mother. A moment passes by and Norman breaks the silence, "Hey Ray?" "Hm?" "Are you any close to breaking the tracking devices? How much time do you need?" "Let's see, about ten days." "Right then ten days from now." Norman says as the three look at him confused. "That's when we'll break out of this place, on November 8th." Norman says sternly as Y/n and Emma lightly gasp wide eyed, while Ray gives him a horrified look. "W-wait! It's too soon,which is fine! But-" Emma starts before Ray interrupts, yelling, "Are you crazy!? Conny was shipped two weeks ago! And shipments go out every two months! So we should have a month in a half! Weren't we supposed to use that time to carefully prepare our plan!?" "Yea but see? You're only thinking that way because mom is controlling us to think that way. So I say we should outwit her." Norman replies while Ray gritts his teeth, "We're likely to fail if we rush, what then Norman?" "We need to escape before winter comes. Once we break the devices, we execute the escape plan." Norman says. "Yea but we got a little over a week to do everything." Emma says while Ray scoffs to himself."So let's talk to Don and Gilda about the plan tonight.

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