ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ 12

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                                                                                     ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

"Norman's getting, shipped out?" Ray said with his eyes widened. "Yes, it's happening tomorrow." Isabella says. Y/n stands up off the ground. "So what happened to Emma then?" Y/n says, her face looking somewhat calm, but holding fury in her eyes. Isabella looks at her, her smile faltering. "It was a clean break so don't worry." She picks Emma up "I guarantee it'll heal without a scar. Though it'll take a few months to do so. I do hope it's healed before your birthday, Ray." She then looks to Norman. "And Norman, give me that bag later." Norman looks at her with slight despair in his eyes. "Now then, let's go back to the house."


                                                                                      ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮/ꪀׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

I lean against a bookshelf, nearest to the window, and look out of it. Right after we came back I rushed in here, not holding pride of facing my siblings. Also for me to calm down a bit. That's even funnier. 'Calm down' My cousin is getting shipped, what I CAN do is the opposite of calming down. I can't believe it though. Why him? Yes, Mom DID say headquarters called in for him. Probably for what i'm guessing 'The One'. And yea, we were getting in his way. But, there's no way she was getting rid of the smartest person in the house just like that. He's smart. Too smart. So what is another reason he could be leaving? Could he be called in for questioning about us then be killed? Or could he be called in to be confronted by the higher ups then be killed? Maybe so he could be turned into one of those things!?I hope not. But that wouldn't make sense because the brain would be left for no reason. Maybe he's being shipped be- "Holy shit." I say out loud. I chuckle a bit as I lean down holding both my hands now on one of the library tables. My eyes are widened as I hold a grin from the chuckle I let out. I cover my mouth, "There's no way they wou-" I snap out of it until I hear somebody open the library door. I hid right away to avoid small talk with someone until I see it's Don and Gilda. I put on a somewhat depressed face and sit down at one of the tables. Don't need them to know my business...or..wait- "Hey y/n?" I hear Gilda behind me. I turn around, a dramatic expression on my face. Gilda carries a worried expression, as did Don. "Ray, no , we still want to continue the escape. But first, we need to get Norman out!" Don says as Gild nods. They both held serious looks plastered on their faces. I look at them confused. 'I should tell them.'  "Hey guys." Their faces shift. "Huh?" I turn to them, getting rid of that dumb ass expression, letting them know I'm serious. "I need to tell you guys something. Something really important. Something that you can't tell Ray, Emma, or Norman." They both tense up a bit. "Can't tell them..anything?" Don says with a threatened look. I smirk lightly, "Well, if you can take my thinking." They look at me worried before thinking a bit and nodding, giving me stern looks. My smirk gets wider, "Great, sit down."


The two stare at me soberly as I finish explaining. "You think, Norman isn't going to die?" Don questions holding a confused face. "Yea. Just think about it, without thinking that he's going to get shipped for food. That's the only way that he could be kept alive without dying. He's too smart to get rid of. And plus, the higher ups had to have chosen him for a reason. He is the most smartest in the house." The two widen their eyes a bit until they look at each other and nod. "So.. what are you going to do with this information?" Gilda says a bit quietly. " Act as if I never talked to you today. Tell the three that I refuse to talk to anyone because of the news. And proceed to be sad at Norman's leave. Make the kids and him think your just as sad as everyone else." They nod, "Anything else?" "Yea, just one more thing... Tell two more of the kids younger than you. Like Thoma and Lannion. The younger ones would freak out but the older bunch like them could try to hold their cool. And only tell them about the farm, not about what I told you today." The two looked at me in shock. "Are you sure? What if they don't believe us?" Gilda asks. "Oh for sure they will. I could tell that the two noticed our serious moods for weeks. I know they would at least be serious about it. So, now knowing my idea, will you guys go along with it?" I ask them. Don and Gilda look at me intensely before nodding. "Yes, we will!" They both say in unison.

ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now