ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ 2

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                                                                                          ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

Isabella shakes the small  golden bell to alert everyone breakfast has started. "Good morning to you, my darling children.Now, let us appreciate all 39 of you are able to live happy lives under this roof.... We are thankful." "thank you for our breakfast." , everyone replies.

                                                                                           ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮/ꪀׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

We all start eating breakfast, filling up our stomachs after a long night of sleep. 'Long', thats ironic. You never wanted to cave into you're mistakes or whenever you were wrong.In fact, you mostly just lied all the time, but it never got through to any of you're close siblings. Emma,Ray, and especially, Norman.He was your cousin after all. Yea you stayed up a little too long last night, but it's not like you pulled an all-nighter. "Hey, whats up?" You snapped out of you're trance in an instant due to the male sitting in front of you. "..Huh?"  "Nevermind, just eat the food before I shove it down you're throat." "Is that supposed to be a threat??" "Maybe, if you count it." "Haha."


                                                                "Age     twelve, type    1, answer         the       question       within      ten      seconds.   When     you     hear     the     tone, begin ."

 The headphone let out a loud beep before showing me all the problems.I stare at the bright white screen intently. Iv'e gotta pass this to keep my winning streak.It took about half an hour to finish reading and scanning before the loud familiar beep goes off, signaling we are done.My seriousness fades away while I let out a big sigh and hang my head backwards over my chair.All the kids spoke about their scores, some saying they got half,less that half, or even all of them correct. "Lets quiet down and go through the results." Mom's voice caught my attention as I rose my head back up to look at her holding her clipboard. "Norman,Ray,Y/n,Emma, perfect scores again, fantastic! I'm so proud!" "YES!" "Hurrayyy!" Me and Emma both yelled out.

                                                                              ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

All the kids talk and blabber among themselves,gossiping about the four who won. "None of us even come close to those four!" One kid says. "Norman is smarter than all of us combined, and then there's Ray, who's good at solving any problem he's faced with." He continued. "There's also Emma who learns really fast so she can keep up with them easy. Then to top it off,y/n can can look at the worst AND best side of a problem, which gives her the upper hand in anything!" Little did they know there was a light skin boy about to burst by the amount of compliments his older siblings were getting. "They say the house has never had four kids together at this level before!" A kid yells out. "No wonder mom's proud of them." "Norman!" The boy yells out.Normans head turns to his sibling in confusion. "I'm challenging you to tag!" Norman gives him a awkward chuckle before everyone runs out the room to go outside.


                                                                              ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮/ꪀׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now