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                                                                                       ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ 

"Join forces?" Gilda questions, holding onto Emma. Everyone looks at Krone with alarmed look. Norman walks up, "It's okay guys, no need to worry. Fine, we'll hear you out." He smirks. Sister Krone gives a menacing smile, "Excellent! It's best if we cooperate so we can each achieve our goals!" She points at the group. "You all want to break out of here. And I want to become mom of this house. The plan is to drag Isabella from her position, and seize it for myself." She continues. "You wanna be a mom?" Don asks. "Yea, to prove that I mean it. You kids aren't the only ones  who wanna break free from this." Sister Krone unbuttons the collar of her dress a bit to show the numbers on her neck. The group gasps.

"Are you aware of the management system here?" Krone asks. "Girls who meet certain conditions and who meet the certain age of twelve are usually presented with two different paths when they are about to be shipped out. Continue and die, or aim to become a mom." She continues. "What conditions?" Don asks. "High test scores and the mom's recommendations. Meet those two requirements, and it's possible to survive without escaping, if you're a girl." She answers. "Only girls?" Gilda asks. Sister Krone ignores her question, "Although, I wouldn't recommend it. They make it so you're never allowed to leave the premises." She unbuttons the first couple buttons on her shirt and show a big scar on her chest. "What is that-!?" "There's a chip inside. And with it, if you step out of the farm, an electric current triggers and causes your heart to stop. But at the same time, if your heart stop for some other reason, it signals the higher ups ." She explains. "We were right about being able not to kill them." Norman says as Sister smiles at him. "Because of this chip, I can only live on the farms.That's why I wanna live in the best way this place has to offer." She says, buttoning her shirt up. Emma scowls at her words. "Even if it's fake, being a mom means you get to feel human. But to achieve that, I need to get rid of Isabella. If all of you escape, she'll be the one whose blamed for it. Trust me, I won't stop you if you make a run for it, it actually benefits me!" Krone says grinning. "You won't ship us out?" Y/n questions. "Of course not." Krone replies. "So let's cooperate!" She says throwing her arms up in the air. Norman gives her a serious look before grinning.  Krone smiles back as she puts out her hand for him to shake it. He goes to put his arm up until Emma speaks up. "Norman. Wait a sec, I want to make sure of something." She says. "What is it?" Emma looks up to Krone with her eyes bulging, "How can we make sure you're  not going to betray us in the end?" Krone smiles teasingly, "Are you saying you don't trust me?" "Answer!" Emma shouts grimacing. Krone pauses a bit before answering, "All right! If Ray goes and tattles on me to mom, you can destroy me. Meanwhile, if I tell mom that Ray is acting as a double agent, then all of will go down with him! So you see, neither of us will snitch, because we can't. Do you trust me now?" Krone says the last part bending down. Emma waits a bit before nodding. "Yea sure." "Excellent! I guess we have a deal then!" She shakes hands with Norman as they both look deeply into each other's eyes. They let go and Sister giggles a bit. "I know a lot of info about this place that may be helpful for you to know and I'm willing to share it with you all! It's proof of my goodwill! If you are interested, drop by my room tonight!" She exclaims moving her arms back and forth in a running position before leaving.


Sister Krone plays with one of the babies outside as the six stay inside looking at her out the window. "She was one of us, yet she's doing this so SHE can have a better life. What a monster, she doesn't care if the kids here live or die at all!" Emma says madly. "She said she won't ship us though." Gilda says softly. Norman looks back, "It's not that she won't. She can't. If she really wanted us to leave, then she would've quietly helped us. The only reason she's showing us her cards is to try to gain our trust." "But whats the point in doing that?" Don asks. "It's all so she can get solid evidence of our rebellion. In other words, she's in a position where the higher ups won't trust her unless she has evidence. She doesn't have the power to ship us out like mom does." Norman explains. "Evidence..." "Wait, what if she finds the rope in the tree?" Don asks. "It's fine, we can say we were gonna use it for a game. But if we-" "If she finds the tool to break the trackers, then we're done for." Ray interrupts. Y/n looks to him seriously, "That kind of evidence, would be hard to explain." Gilda and Don gasp worriedly. Ray looks to Y/n, Don, and Gilda. "No need to worry, not gonna let that happen. I'm not finished making it yet anyway." "That won't be an issue if we convince her we don't know where they are or how to break them. I'm sure Sister Krone would believe us if we played our cards right." Norman says smirking. "You're going to her room?" Gilda asks getting every ones attention. "You're dealing with Sister Krone here. It's nice she offered to give us information but-" "Hang on, why are we cooperating with her? Does it give us an advantage?" Don interrupts. "If we use her effectively, we might learn something useful. Additionally, it'll keep her out of the way so we can focus on the inspection." Norman explains. Gilda and Don put their heads down in worry for them going to see her. Emma stands up and pats Gilda's shoulder. "We'll be fine!We have to use every opportunity that we can!" She says smiling. Norman goes up to Don and pats him on his shoulder, smiling as he smiles back. "Hey Ray, can I talk to you? I want to discuss the investigation." Norman asks Ray. "Okay." The two left the room as the four were left in silence. "I have a favor I wanna ask you three." Y/n says as she catches their attention.


Morning time comes and Y/n and Ray stand outside waiting for the other four to meet up with them. Ray holds the camera as Y/n stares at it in awe. "What's this flat clear glass?" Y/n says, pointing to the front of the camera. Ray smiles a bit, "Oh that? That's the lens. You can turn it a bit to make the picture much closer in frame. Like zooming in." He says admiring the girl. She looks at him, the space thin between them. "Take a picture of me!" She exclaims happily. "H-huh?" Ray jumps back surprised. "Yea! C'mon!" The girl says, backing up and posing. She fixes her hair a bit and smiles widely, looking straight at the camera. The landscape behind her was perfect. The swaying of the trees, the flow of the grass, the running children, and the beautiful house behind her. Ray turns his surprised face to a small smile, turning the camera to her. He gets the camera ready, fixing the lens to make the picture as perfect as possible. A swish of wind brushes by them as Y/n's hair flows to the right. **SNAP** Ray takes the picture at the perfect time, the camera letting out a snap. Ray takes the photo out of the camera and shakes it in the air a bit before looking at it. He chuckles. "Hey! Can I see?" Y/n asks walking up to him. She stands next to him and peeks at the picture. "Wow, that's amazing!" She says looking at the picture. Ray widens his smile just a bit before stuffing the picture carefully in his pocket. "Hey, why can't I have it-?" Y/n starts to talk but hears footsteps behind her. Ray and Y/n turn around to see the four arrive. "Let's review."

They all meet up at the back of the house. "During  the free time we have after eating lunch, i'm gonna be distracting mom.Meanwhile you three, will inspect above the wall. Don, Gilda, stand outside to see the second floor window to the south. Stay alert. I'll signal to you if I'm not able to distract mom. And that's when you two tell the others to cancel the inspection.According to our original plan, there are six days left. But we have the two in a half months till we I get shipped out.So if things go wrong, we need to bail.We do everything in secret and pretend to be controllable." The two nod before hearing their siblings call out their names for them to play. The two leave as Norman speaks up, "Hey guys, we need to talk." 

"What!? Krone found out that we can break the tracking devices!?" Ray and Y/n yell in unison. Ray stood on the other side of his bed as Norman and Emma stood on the other, Y/n sat with her legs crossed on Ray's bed. Norman and Emma nod, "We should move up the escape. How soon can you break them?"  Ray lets out a big sigh before going through his drawer and taking out the camera. He got ready and took a picture, the light flashing the three in front. Norman and Emma jump back, "Ugh, what even was that?!" Ray hands the camera to Norman, "With this, I have all the pieces that I need. I can break them whenever. Ray looks at the picture and chuckles a bit. Emma walks to the other side of the bed to see the picture. "Look at your face." Ray grins. "Heyy!"  Norman looks at the camera intensely, "This is quite a double edged sword isn't it? Are we going to break the devices and escape first? Or is Krone going to find the evidence and turn us in before we have a chance to do that?" He asks seriously. "Don't worry, I've handled it." Ray says plainly as he grins widely.  The four help prepare lunch and set the table as they hear footsteps at the dining room entrance but see no one. The four look at each other with serious looks until they hear stomping and a door slamming.Y/n Norman, and Emma gasp lightly before Ray puts out a wide grin with his teeth showing. Y/n didn't know what he did,and she knew it was sneaky,but  she couldn't help and grin a bit too.


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