ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻr 13 -

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                                                                                        ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

Isabella starts to walk out the nursery from talking with Emma. Tried to convince her to become mom of the house when she gets older but Emma refused. She walks out as Emma stayed sobbing on her bed, filled with despair. Y/n peeks from behind a corner and quickly goes into the nursery without Isabella knowing. She sees Emma's crying form on the bed, clenching the clean white sheets with her fists. Y/n sits next to Emma and pulls her body to hers, bringing her in a big hug. "Y/n?... Why are you here-?" "I know Norman left you that note." Emma's devastated face turned into one of shock, then to a small smile. "I thought you'd forget.." Y/n smiled back, holding Emma's hands in hers. "Now how could I forget that? It was basically the last normal-ish conversation we all had." Emma looks into the girl's eyes with hope, her eyes watering. "You must have been so alone after we left the forest that day... None of us saw you anywhere." She mumbles, hugging Y/n. Y/n only cringes at the words she let out. There was no way she could tell Emma what her plan was. After a couple minutes, Emma lifts herself up from Y/n's hold. "Let's get Don and Gilda later and tell them." She says, independence in her eyes.


Y/n sits in her bed reading one of the books she's been longing to read. The room was empty, the white sheet beds nicely fitted on everyone's beds, some of the beds kind of messy but the kids tried. She was only going to be here for a little while longer so she'd have to read her books fast in order to finish them in time. There'd be no space for it so she read on. Y/n was invested in her book so much that she didn't see the tall woman standing over her on the side of her bed. She only noticed her when she went to go get her glass of water on her night stand. Y/n stared back at the woman, showing she wasn't going be scared or frightened like she was meant to be. About a minute passed and Isabella sat next to her on her bed. Y/n gave a smile as fake as the whole life she'd been living in and looked to her mother. "Hey, what's on your mind?" Isabella seemed stunned for a minute until speaking up. "I recommended Emma to be position as mom instead of being shipped." Y/n looked at her with a grin and a snort. "And how'd that go?" 

"Sadly, she declined. She wants to choose death? She can. You guys know you can't escape so it shouldn't be a problem for me." Y/n looked at her with her eyelids lidded. "And you came here to tell me that?.... Like, just that-?" " You're not fit to be a mother." Y/n raised her eyebrows. "I'm twelve-" "I mean when you become older. I personally think that you can't handle small things and get angry way too easily. What would happen if a kid broke a vase? Normal answer is to comfort them and clean it yourself. But someone like you would yell at the child, make them feel as if they aren't anythi-" "Uh, you're kidding... right? First of all, I wouldn't even want to become a mom so you can check that out right now. And second of all, who said I would want kids? I already have younger siblings to deal with and their already anno-" "That's my point." Isabella and Y/n both look at each other astonishingly.  

Y/n's calmness was fastly dropping down. The woman was tampering with the girl's patience. She was about to say more until Y/n spoke up, getting ready to leave, "Ok, listen bitch I don't need you trying to get under my skin every single second of the day. I have nothing to do with the problems you have with m-" "I'm not asking for you to become a mom, I'm asking you to give up fully."  Y/n grit her teeth. "Who says I hadn't already?" She looks into her mothers eyes deeply until being stunned by the front door of the room being slammed open by Phil. "Time to eat!" The two wipe off the serious looks with smiles. "We'll be right there!"

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