ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻr 24

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ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

Everyone was gathered by the fire, discussing their plan for the escape. "After the fire, plant three, the house where we lived, was closed. Then Phil and the others were split up and sent to the other four houses. There are about forty kids in each. We need to gather them all then go to the gate on the bottom floor of headquarters." Norman explained before Y/n pointed to the projection from the pen. "The elevator is the only way to get in there. So, we'll assemble in this chamber." She said. 

"The hardest part will be getting everyone there. And the gatekeeper won't make it easy for us.." Norman continued. "Gate keeper?" Gilda questioned. "Peter Ratri. James Ratri's younger brother...Peter has all the assisters under his command. And this says there are about forty demons on guard. Those are the biggest obstacles we face...." Norman ended. 


It was only a day before they would infiltrate the farms.  Emma talked with Norman about the plan and helped the kids if they needed help with getting ready. That was until she felt a tap on her shoulder. 

She turned around to see Y/n, looking at her, almost as if she was guilty of something. "Hey..can we talk privately for a sec?" Emma was held back by the stiffness of Y/n's words, but nodded. "Yea, sure, we can talk." She said.

The two walked into one of the lone hallways of the temple, the only light available was the sunset that shone through the windows. They stood still , facing each other, silent. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Emma asked, a small bead of sweat dripping off her forehead. 

Y/n then suddenly kneeled down in front of her. Emma was confused, but kneeled down with her. Y/n slowly took her back pack off her shoulders and placed it beside her. She reached into the bag and paused, looking back at Emma with worried eyes. She then sighed deeply and took out the rifle she had carried with her the past months. She placed it on the ground and stared at it, not daring to look back at Emma. 

Emma almost choked on her spit when Y/n pulled the gun out of her bag.After Y/n placed it on the ground, Emma gulped. "Y/n?! Where the hell did you get that-!?" "I got it back at the bunker...from those men who broke in. I was gonna tell you eventually, but I didn't wanna trouble you." 

Emma averted her eyes from the gun to Y/n, realizing Y/n's guilty expression. But in that guilt, was also sadness. Emma stared at Y/n, stunned. She then smiled warmly and took Y/n's hand in hers. Y/n looked up at her from the gentle gesture. "Y/n. Although I am a bit concerned on why you never told me, I would never get upset at you for keeping something like this to yourself. In fact, I find it loving that you care enough to not tell me; just because you were worried for me. Also, it may be loving, but I never want you to feel like you should keep something from me. We're friends, no, sisters. And we need to be sure to tell each other everything that bothers us. If we can't do that, then how can we take care of each other? I want you to trust me. To tell me anything that's on your mind." Emma spoke.  (Personally, this speech is giving very Emma.)

ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now