ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻr 23

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ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

The screams of demon villagers echoed in the town as fire lit tall buildings ablaze. Norman stared at Emma, Ray, and Y/n with horrified eyes. Blood dripped off his hands as he held onto a large machete, in front of the familiar tall demon the other three had seen before. Norman forced a smile. "You brought them back. I should've known you guys would. Nice work. But you're too late to stop the extinction of the demons." He said, his smile dropping.

"You're wrong, it's not too late! When Mujika gets here, you'll see!" Emma shouted. "It doesn't matter now.." Norman looked back at the old demon cradling the younger one in his arms. "..The farms will find out what we've done here, and know their days are numbered. They're finished-" "I know you. You can't really want this!" Emma yelled. Norman looked down in denial. "I do." "You're not a murderer!"

Norman paused before looking up at her. "Emma-" "Would you just shut up and listen?! We won't let you sacrifice yourself again. And I won't let you go alone anymore. I can tell you're suffering. Even though it's horrific, you pick the surest, most logical solution. Then you decided you'll bear the responsibility for it. Like some kind of martyr." She explained before walking towards Norman. She began to confront him. Telling him that he looked like a small child, afraid of someone or something. As she walked closer, he resisted. "Stay back! Don't come any closer!"

Y/n and Ray only stood and watched, having Emma's back if anything happened. Once she reached Norman, she took his hand in hers. (I don't ship anyone in this series except you and Ray, but just read this for now.) "Listen Norman. No one expects you to be our savior. Even though you're strong and kind, you're still arrogant, and a coward too. Don't be scared! Have a little more faith in us. We're your friends after all, so don't push us away!" Emma exclaimed as Ray and Y/n walked up behind her.

"All I wanted was to keep us sa-" "You don't have to protect us. We can handle whatever comes along, together." Y/n interrupted, staring at him furiously. "Y/n..Ray, I-" "You know this isn't right. But, you're doing it. Even though it's crushing you. Did you think we'd be okay with that? Are you kidding me?! We grew up together, we're family!" (RAY SOUNDED SO MAD IN THIS SCENE ON DUB LMAO) Ray yelled at him, Norman being interrupted again. "Come on, be honest. What do you really want?" Ray demanded, his voice more softer now.

Norman snatched his hand away from Emma's. "There's no point. It's too late. I've gone too far and can't turn ba-" "That's not true and you know it! We won't look down on you if you're scared. We just wanna grow up with you.." Emma then out stretched her hand towards Norman, smiling. "..We're your friends, till the very end." Norman trembled and lost grip on the machete he held, making it clank onto the floor. He soon followed with it. He fell on his knees, whimpering as Emma went down with him, holding him.

He cried into her shoulder as she pat his back. "You're back, you're back.." Y/n walked up behind Norman and rubbed his back for comfort. "I lied to you guys before. They pumped me full of drugs at Lambda, I'm dying." He weeped as the three stared at him, horrified. Just as one of them was about to say something, a screech was heard a couple meters away from them. They looked through the dark smoke to see one of the transformed demons, now a feral one. Y/n quickly reached her hand into her backpack, gripping onto the gun she had brought with her.

"We gotta get out of here." Ray exclaimed as he and Emma help Norman up. "Grandpa! What have you done?!" They hear a small girl yell behind them. They turn around to see that the old demon had cut his arm off, blood pouring out of it.

ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now