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                                                                                        ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ  

Emma, Norman, and Y/n go back to the big cement walls encircling the forest and the orphanage. "You know, this is a really good idea Norman, swiping spare table cloths." Emma compliments Norman idea for rope that he took from the storage room the night before.Emma climbs up a tree and puts the bag filled with tied table cloth into a tree hollow. "But we still have to figure out  the hard part." Norman says while Emma jumps down. "How to deal with the tracking devices." Emma states. " And how to take everyone else when we escape." Norman said. "Hey guys?, I think it be a great idea to tell ray and get his opinion." Y/n said clearing any tension.  "I was thinking the same thing, I was also thinking Ray would be the very least likely to panic. And because he knows a lot, and good at solving any problems, he would be an asset to our team, but..." "But what?" Emma says after Normans agreement. "Tell you what, i'll talk to Ray myself. Lets head back to the house for now-" "Why not now?" Norman says before Ray comes up out of nowhere.  "Ray!" The three jump back to the sudden appearance of the black haired male behind them. "Hey sorry, I followed you." Ray says plainly. "Huh?!?" "It's been bugging me all day so I thought I should just ask you." Ray says before placing his book in y/n's hands, pushing her toward the middle of her two other siblings and walking up behind all three of them, putting Emma and Norman in a headlock with Y/n squeezed in the middle. "Tell me what happened at the gate the other night." "Huh?" "You know, when you tried to take Little bunny to Conny, you guys were acting a lot weirder than usual; and came back empty handed, even though you said you didn't see her." "You're so sharp!"  Norman compliments after Ray exposes them. Ray puts Emma and Norman into a tighter headlock, "So I assume something must've happened, now spill it!" Ray yells. "Oh wow, aren't you a clever one!" Emma says, painfully.


"Demons huh,.... a farm? Mom is the enemy?..... This is bad." Ray says looking up at the three.  "He catches on fast!" Emma says shocked. "That means this whole time, moms been taking care of us and feeding us well so be could be become demon food." He concludes. "Actually, i'm surprised your ready to believe us so easily!" You say, as shocked as Emma. "Huh? Of course I would, Norman would never make up an incredibly dumb lie. He's not you two." Ray mocks as both y/n and Emma hang their heads low in defeat. "So, if we're gonna make a break for it, we need to address a couple things. First is the number of kids. We should narrow it down to who those can make it-" "Wait!" Emma interrupts Ray's big talk. "Hm?" "We're leaving here, and taking everyone, and to make that happen, we need you!" Emma says confidently. "Everyone? "You're kidding right?" Ray asks unbelievably while Norman looks down in defeat. "There are 38 kids here, and most of them aren't even six years old yet. There's mom, demons, and tracking devices. Those factors take a bad situation and make it worse. You wan't the impossible-" "We know it'll be tough, but it's not impossible-" "It can't be done. Emma you don't get it do you?" "Ray hang on!" Norman yells, try to interrupt Rays speech. "Ah I see, that's why you said you'd talk to me. But you have to be upfront about something this grave, Emma, Y/n. "Yea what?" Emma questions. Y/n already knew what Ray was going to say, but she couldn't bare think about leaving some of her siblings here to die. "You guys can't just worry about escaping, it's not enough."  "What do you mean by that?" Emma asks. "We don't know what's waiting outside, beyond this wall. But there's a place we're getting shipped to. The fact that there's a farm and a buyer should give you an idea. What waits outside is a demons world. There is no place for humans to live. It was never meant for our kind." Emma let out a light gasp. "So, it's impossible. If we take everyone, we'll all die out there. We leave them behind, that's the best option." Ray finishes while patting Emma's shoulder. Emma pauses for a minute before closing her eyes, opening them and saying, "No way." "Huh?!" Ray exclaims, letting go of her shoulder. "Even if it's impossible, they're all coming. We can figure it out!" "What?!?" "I don't know what's on the outside, but leaving part of our family behind isn't an option. I wanted Conny to be the last one they take, never again,  I won't lose anyone else like that!" Emma says strongly. "If there isn't a place out there for humans to live, we'll carve one out for ourselves! Together we'll change everything, even the world!" Y/n yells out, looking intently at Ray. "Thank you Ray for helping us understand, were planning an escape where we get everyone out." Emma continues while Ray grimaces. "And we're not bending on this, because we've decided." Emma says adding on, as she takes rays arms and shakes him back and forth. 

"You have to come to grip with our plan Ray, so stop blabbering and help us!" Emma yells in Rays face.Ray grimaces while pushing Emma away from him, until Norman starts laughing. "How can you just laugh her plan is suicide-!" "I want everyone and that's it! I won't agree to anything else, I won't I wont' I won't!!" Emma screams out, flailing her arms up and down. "Somebody should knock some sense into her, she's unreasonable!" Ray yells to Norman, pointing at Emma. "Yea totally! I'm glad she's her old cheerful self." Norman says calmly while still laughing. "You're missing my point Norman, stop them or you'll all die!" Ray yells again, frustratingly. "Of course you knew all that from the start, didn't you?!" "- You didn't see, the way Emma cried.That night, I thought she and y/n were crying because the were terrified. But I realized i was wrong, what I saw there made me afraid of dying. They were scared, but it was the thought of their family dying that horrified them. Emma and y/n are so amazing. To be in that situation and worry about protecting others."  "It's a lost cause! The four of us could make it! But bringing everyone?! Making a boat out of mud!... You should be scared, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Don't let feelings cloud your vision, we'll die!" Ray yells, getting angrier by the second. "I do see clearly, I wanna make a boat out of mud as well!" "Don't be a fool, you're supposed to be different! You're the cool- headed one that should weigh out the best option." Ray yells louder as he grips the collar of Normans shirt. "What gives huh?!" "Because of Emma, and how'd i'd do anything, to always put a smile on her face." Norman says, smiling innocently. "What about Y/n!? You're own blood! And you're crazy, what if they both die because of it." Ray shouts in Norman's face, gripping his collar even tighter. "That won't happen, i'll make sure of it, do whatever it takes... Look on the bright side, I've always been able to accomplish whatever i'm set out to do! If you bake mud, you can make a vessel,so a boat made out of mud wouldn't necessarily sink, would it? And plus, why would I have to worry about y/n if you're always on her 24/7? I'm sure if anyone could keep her safe, it'd be you." Ray widens his eyes before tightening them up again, "You've lost your mind." "You think? Perhaps we're all insane, totally out of our minds!.. So you can't let us do it alone, right?" Norman question before walking up to Ray and gives him a teasing smile. Ray smirks, "You asshole,what kind of friend would I be if I did."   Bell chimes could be heard from the bell at the orphanage. "Um guys, shouldn't we still have some free time left?" Emma asks, confused. "We should get back." Norman suggests before all four kids run back to their home.


All the children stand in the dining room, in front of two new people and their mother. "Awww!" All the kids fan over their new sibling that was brought in, a baby. "Attention!" Isabella demands. "I want you to meet Carol, your newest sibling. And this is Sister Krone, she is here to help me with my duties." Isabella introduces, gesturing her hand towards the dark skinned woman and she gives a greeting smile. "An... adult?!" Emma mutters to herself. "Another enemy.." Norman replies. Ray and y/n look at the woman in front of them sternly, not taking one eye off her. "I'll be living with all of you from now on, it's nice to meet you." Sister Krone says with a swing in her voice. All the children greet their new sibling and the grown up, while Isabella giggles casually. The main four prepare mentally for the trouble they'll face soon.


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