ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻr 25

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ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

"We can all be free? Are you saying I'm not?" Peter asked in disbelief. "None of us are free here, and not really. You don't have a say in our lives. I bet you wished you had something better than the fate you were burdened with-" "You're wrong! This is all I've ever wanted!" Peter snapped, before placing the palms of his hands on the floor. "It's why my brother had to die." He sobbed. 

"That's not what you really wanted in the end, was it?" Emma asked, feeling some sort of pity for the man. "What would you know?! Hippocrates! Both of you. You and my brother." He sobbed, again. "Everyone's suffering. We can change that!" Emma exclaimed. "We can't. It's how the world is supposed to be." He snapped. 

"That's not true! We can make this world whatever we want it to be." Emma demanded. He paused, then sat up and looked at her. "..We can change it and our destinies. It might be hard, but we can do it..." Emma then out stretched her hand. "..We can all be free." 

Peter stared at her hand in a daze, before smiling with a scoff. "You want us to be free? You want to change this world?..." He then stood up, still clutching onto his bloodied hand. "..You're such a fool. It's obvious you know nothing more than to be food. The demon world isn't the only one you'll have to change. Do you think what the demons do to you here is bad? It's no different to what humans have been doing to each other for ages now. Well, all except for the eating children part.." He held his arms out in defeat. "..Do what you want. Go wherever you want. I don't care anymore. After all this, there's nothing left for me. But, by all means, change the world. Good luck to you all! I won't be here.." He then pulled out a hidden switch blade from the sleeve of his coat. "I'll be watching you suffer as I laugh my ass off in hell!" He shouted, before slicing his own neck with the knife. 

"No!" Emma shouted, quickly aiding to him as he fell to the floor, blood pooling everywhere. Y/n quickly tried to shield as many kids as she could. "Everyone, look away!" She yelled, as all the young kids obliged. "Peter! Don't die!" Emma exclaimed, hovering over him with Ray. She tried to keep pressure on the wound, but the blood just came even faster. Peter only looked at her with disgust as his pulse weakened. All until he took his last breath. 

_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

"Thanks for helping us, mom." Y/n said, standing in front of Isabella. "Like I told you before, we share the same goal. Well, the human world is waiting for you. You should hurry along." Isabella said, calmly. "Well, we were thinking it would be nice if you came along too." Emma added as the mothers cringed. "Uh, I'm sorry, but we can't." Isabella said, poorly. "Why?" Emma asked. 

"We've done you so much wrong. And now, we have to atone for it. It was kind of you to offer though. After all said and done. It's better we go off and die alone and be reminders-" "Oh get over it already. You think dying is gonna let you off the hook?" Ray snapped. "..You hated the set up here too. So if you have any regrets, might as well come with us and deal with them.." He continued as Isabella looked at him with sorrow. "..I'm happy I'm still alive. I got to make up for my mistakes, clear my continence, and build up relationships with others that I didn't have before. We don't hate you. There's no grudges." Ray said as Y/n nodded, stepping up next to him. 

ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now