ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ 6

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                                                                                         ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

"I've set aside this room for you." "Thank you, it's perfect." Emma, Norman, Ray, and Y/n watch from the staircase below as the new grown up is introduced to her room. "That's sure gonna be inconvenient." Ray says, leaning against the wall. "She's right between the two children's rooms." Emma adds on. "It'll be easier for her to watch us." Norman says before both Isabella and Sister Krone turn around to them. The four gave them relaxed joyful faces as soon as they turned around.

"I was so focused on the trackers, that another adult never crossed my mind." Norman says, sweating. The four all gathered in the library to discuss their plans. "We should be happy about this." Y/n says hopefully. "Huh? What do you mean?" Emma asks. "With Carol and Sister Krone here, we have two new sources of info." Y/n explains as Norman realizes. "You're right." Ray peeks up to look at everyone, "First off, where did they even come from?" "I suppose Carols here to replace Conny, they must be replenishing merchandise." Norman says. "Yea, if this is a farm, they must have a base where they carry the one-year-olds to re-supply the house. "So, do you think we all acme from that place at some point?" Emma questions. "Probably, and bet Sister Krone did too." " It's significant to know there's other adults other than mom." Norman exclaims after Ray's assumption. "It means there might be similar farms to this one. Are the adults who work for the demons under their control from the time their born? Or after they are captured? Knowing can help us survive after escaping." Y/n guesses before Ray responds right away, "But first we need to find out how to escape with everyone. Plus finding the tracking devices." Ray repeats, pointing out the problems. "I've looked all over my body, but there's no scars to show something was implanted." "Nothing in our clothes either." "Just based off of man kinds existing technology, they probably use radio waves.But it would need batteries, something battery powered, small, won't leave a scar, and will last over ten years.That kind of technology couldn't have been made in 2014." "Meaning?" "It's going to be difficult to find the location and then figure out how to break it. And if it's demon technology we may as well give up." "Your right." Ray gives off his explanation, guessing on how the tracker might work. As the more he talked about it, the more tension rose in the air. "Wait, that's it?" Emma asks as no one spoke again. "Pretty much." "That's awful!!" Emma whines out after Ray gave his short response. "Well, if we can't solve it, we could guess." Y/n suggests, trying to lighten the tension. "Right.Let's think like them, it might help. What would be the most convenient place to put it in?" Ray questions. Everyone takes a second to think about what could help them until Norman speaks up, "Carol!"  "Huh?" "She might still have a mark since she just arrived." ".. From where they put the device!." Emma pieces together.


                                                                                     ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮/ꪀׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

"The kids all adore her." Norman says as he looks to Sister Krone, then to the dishes.  I was standing next to Ray while he was in the middle of me and Norman. Us three were told to wash the dishes while Emma went to go to the nursery to 'put the babies to sleep'. "Yeah, how do we make someone out to be the bad guy when everyone loves them." Ray says, giving me a dish to dry while Norman agrees, "Exactly." "I'm more worried about the demons being notified, as soon as they know we've escaped they're gonna come after us." I say worried. "There's only one way we can prevent that, the grown ups will have to be," Ray whispers the last part before taking the fork in his hands and makes a stabbing motion, looking at Norman. 'does he really think I can't hear what he's saying??' I think before continuing to dry more dishes. I suddenly hear a soft stomp of a boot right behind me. As I turn around, I see sister krone looking at all three of us with her hands on her hips. "Your Norman, Ray, and Y/n, am I correct?" She says with the most menacing smile I've ever seen on someone. "Yea??" She straightened herself up before trying to make small talk with us. "I heard, you get perfect test scores!" "Yes.." "That's amazing! Nice to meet you, I know we'll get along." She says before  taking both my hands in hers and looking in between Norman and Ray. A minute passes by and she finally decides to scatter away, leaving all of us standing there, weirded out. Then we all continue back to the dishes as Ray whispers to us, "Did she hear us?" "No, we're ok." Norman replies as I speak up, "That woman, didn't just come here to watch children." "So what are you saying?" Ray asks. "The way she looked at us, she suspects us. Since we're the oldest." "Wait a sec, how'd she find that out?" Ray asks dumbly. 'Is he serious right now?? How could he not know?' I think then brush it away as Norman speaks, "Isn't it obvious, mom told her. Mom is on our trail, and she's closing in on us.... Let's hurry."

ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now