ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅr 19

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                                                                                          ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

Emma, Ray, and Y/n stood in the alley astonished. Was that really Norman? Emma had tears flow down her face as Y/n and Ray had been flabbergasted. "Norman....you're alive." Emma muttered before Norman nodded. "Mhm.." He smiled warmly, "I am." Emma whimpered before running up to Norman and enclosing him in a hug.  "You're okay. I've missed you so so much." Norman spoke into Emma's ear. "Me too..I'm so glad you're alive, so glad." Emma then pulled away and looked right into his eyes. "Wait a second, you are really Norman aren't you?  You're not like his twin or a ghost or something? Are you? Cause, like, we all saw you get shipped out." She asked while tears still ran down her face. Norman's eyes softened. "I promise it's me. They sent me to a different farm." Emma smiled and looked back at Ray and Y/n who were slowly approaching. "Hey-" Norman gets cut off by a fast slap to the fast. He holds his red cheek and smirks. "That was rude. You didn't even say hello to me first." Norman then looks at Ray. "See anything cool?" Ray only just grinded his teeth together as tears fell from his face too. 

Y/n swiftly walks up to Norman and brings him in a big embrace as she closes her eyes in comfort. Norman stood a bit stunned at the affection but then smiled lightly and held her even tighter than she did to him. "I've missed you so much Y/n." Norman said in the hug. Y/n grinned, "Me too." She proceeded to pull away, now facing him as he spoke.  "I was transferred to another-huh?!" Norman cuts himself off in surprise as he meant to cup the left side of his shorter cousin's head, only to feel no ear. Y/n giggled. "Oh yea, that. I had to get rid of the tracker. That's how I escaped from the house. I took Ray's out too." Y/n explained as she and Norman looked at Ray, only to see his tearful face and red eyes. Ray then pulled all three of them in a tight bear hug within his hold. "I'm glad you're alive. But don't you ever try and get yourself killed again! You got it dumb ass?!" Ray sobbed into Y/n's shoulder, but mostly talking to Norman. "Yea, I got it....dumb ass."


Norman stood in front of the group of kids with a light smile as they stared at him in pure shock.  "Whoa, Norman!" "You were alive all this time?!" Don and Nat ask as the younger kids gasp. "Norman!" They all yelled in unison as they ran up hugging him.  "Wow guys, you all got bigger." He said, staring down at the kids. He looks around before gasping lightly. "Where are the rest?" He asked Y/n. "We left the others back at the house with Phil. The plan was to go back for them." Y/n responded while crossing her arms. Norman nodded in response.

"What were the coordinates the pen gave? Is it a shelter?" Norman asked at the crackling of the fire could be heard in the background. "Yeaa it was this nifty old bunker. But a search party found us so we had to get out of there." Ray explained as he stood next to Y/n. "That's unfortunate." "Norman, where were they keeping you all this time?" Gilda asked as Norman looked down to the floor before moving his clothes out of the way to reveal his collar bone. What was shown was a tattoo that had a certain hexagon shape and branches at the bottom. "I was at Lambda 7214. It's a farm where they experiment on kids." "Lambda?" "Experiments?" "Remember? That last night when mom took me took me to the gate? She handed me over to a team from Lambda. The researchers were both demon and human. They drugged and performed all sorts of experiments on the kids.  Their goal was to come up with a way to mass produce high grade meat. But what happened was, the kids started to show signs of abnormal development. And their muscles, nervous system, and senses in ways the researchers didn't expect." Norman explained as Y/n softened her gaze at him. "So that's how your friend killed that demon. He's from there. From Lambda." Ray added. "Yea, he's just one of what those experiments did to us." "Wait, they did that to you too? Are you like him?" Emma asked worried, looking at Norman. "No, they put me in a room and made me take tests. That's pretty much it." He answered. "So how did you escape?" Y/n asked. "I was lucky enough to meet an ally of mister Minerva's there. He helped me destroy the facility and get us out. His name was Smee. He knew sister Krone. He gave her the pen." He continued as Emma widened her eyes. "They found out what he was up to and killed him." "Like mister Minerva.." "Both of them, dead.." Nat and Gilda commented. "They won't die in vain though." Norman continued. 

"I took some files from the facility. With them, I made a drug that makes demons degenerate." "Wait, what?" Y/n asked, raising a brow. "Degenerate. Have you ever wondered why demons eat humans? To maintain their physical and mental state. I'm sure you've all noticed how demons come in their various shapes and sizes. That's because they take on the appearance and abilities on what they eat. And in order for humanoid demons to maintain their form and intellect, they have to eat human flesh." "And human brains." "Right. That's why we took so  many tests. The demons wanted out brains to be more developed.To preserve their inelegance." "But then, what happens if they stop eating us?" Anna asks worried. "They'd regress. And become like those monsters in the forest." Gilda responded. "They'd be more dangerous then." "No, demons like those are pretty much like wild animals, they can be outsmarted easy enough." Ray interrupted. "Better yet, without inelegance, they end up attacking each other. That's where I come in. The drug makes them potent, even in small doses. With it, I can degenerate a whole town. And if everything goes according to plan, as soon as they get a dose of it, they'll never regain their inelegance. That means, they won't be able to run the farms. They'll go wild and kill each other off. I planned it all out in my cell at Lambda. When we learned about Gracefield, you said, 'If there isn't a place out there for humans to live, we'll carve one out for ourselves.' . You were determined to escape the farm with everyone. You wanted to change the world. I want that. It's all I've ever wanted. A future where humans can live free and happy. A world where we can live together like family, and kids have a chance to grow up. I thought long and hard on how to achieve that goal. And came up with a solution. We'll make the demons extinct." Norman says strongly as Emma lightly flinched. "We'll end this never land. And together, we'll make this demon world our paradise." He ended more determined than the last time as almost all the kids gasped and cheered in excitement. "Nothing can stop us from getting Phil and the others now!" Don exclaimed. Gilda smiled and looked down. "Thank goodness. Emma won't have to carry the burden of saving us anymore." She said softly as Emma stared at Gilda, her heart aching. "We won't have to worry about demons ever again."

"Emma, that's what you wanted!" One of the kids exclaimed while turning to the vibrant haired girl. "Aren't you thrilled Emma?" Anna exclaimed while holding her heart. Emma hummed and smiled. "Yea. Yea I am." She said while she hugged Anna. Ray and Y/n gave Emma and Anna a side eye, realizing something was off.  "Right now, time is the real issue. And we're running out of it fast. Gracefield and Lambda are hunting for us.  If my information is correct, they're headed this way." "Seriously?" "They'll find us here for sure." "That's right. Which is why I have to set my plan in motion immediately." Emma gasped lightly as Y/n leaned her head to the side. "Just like that?" " Yea. I can just give the word and it can happen tomorrow." Norman responded. "Whoa, that fast?!" "Really?!" Some of the kids exclaimed. "To start, I'll degenerate all the demons in the town below. Based on the data we get from that, we'll launch a coordinated attack on all the other demon cities. Then we'll rescue Phil and the others from the house, and then the kids at the other farms. The days of demons raising us for food are over. We'll take back our freedom." Norman ended as almost all the kids praised him. But Y/n, Ray, and Emma only looked at Norman with serious looks, but he failed to notice. "I know how hard it's been for you all up until now. But once the mission is complete, I want you to come live at the base Smee left us. We have food, beds, and showers too." Norman said as the kids cheered in excitement and ran up to him. Emma, Ray and Y/n only stood in place after hearing Norman's whole speech. Let's just say they weren't thrilled of the plan. 

Y/n, Ray, Emma, and Norman stood outside to say their goodbye's for the evening. Norman gave Emma a slip of paper. "This is where you can find me." She smiled. "Thanks."


Heyyy :)

The only words I'm gonna say is school and sports

ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now