ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻr 15

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                                                                                     ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮/ꪀׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ 

Me and Ray both stood in the middle of the two demons, a couple feet away though. We both looked to the female demon in front of us.  "So why'd you demons bother saving us? We're supposed to be your food after all." Ray spoke out loud to her. She only slowly turned to us and smirked. A shiver ran down my spine as I came to a realization. "Hey.. where are the others? You said you made food... did you-!?" I got interrupted by the sound of someone walking behind us.  "When are you going to learn the layout Mujika?" A very strong male voice spoke behind us. Ray was the only one who turned around in fright as I just kept staring at the demon in front. "You took the wrong tunnel again." Then they stopped walking, standing behind us. "I appreciate you coming to get us, but you're timing couldn't be worse. And why are you armed?" "Are you serious? I don't want those kids touching this. It's dangerous." In the corner of my eye, I see he bends down to Ray. "What's wrong with these two? They look pale-" "Where are my siblings!?" I yell facing him. This demon had Armour covering his face. And he held a long spear and had red spiky hair. I could hear insects and other little critters rushing away after I yelled. I stare at him, furious. Who knows how long it's been since I passed out? He hummed in interest and stepped aside, pointing behind him. I ran down the dirt covered walls as Ray called for me. "Y/n!" I was about to take a right until Ray took my wrist. "He said it's left! Cmon, let's go!" We then ran to where our siblings were held up.


We then make it to a brightly lit room, obviously lit from a fire judging from the orange hue. Me and Ray both took a sudden stop at the front of the room. "Guys-!" I see everyone inside the room, gathering around a fire holding a pot above it. Everyone smiled at us, "Y/n!" "Ray!" The kids came running to hug us. "Thank goodness! We're so glad you're better!" A little boy exclaims. "She's not better yet!" Gilda yelled as Emma suddenly appeared behind me and gave me a big bear hug. "Y/n! Ray! Oh my god I'm so glad you guys woke up!" I looked at everyone, smiling lightly. "Is everyone ok?" Everyone seemed to be good as me and Ray sigh in relief. That was until we heard a voice behind us, looking back. "I'm sorry if we frightened you." The female demon said, taking off her hood. She had beautiful long light purple hair that draped down her back. "But we don't mean any harm. You have my word on that. I am Mujika, this is Sonju. And we do not eat human flesh. So please be at ease. You don't have a thing to worry about us."

Me and Ray sat down on the grass mats, whispering toward one another. "No one seems to mind they're demons. It's weird." "Right?" I replied. Suddenly two of the younger kids handed me and Ray cups of some kind of soup. We both looked at it in skepticism until Emma sat next to me, and Gilda sitting next to her. "They made us lunch earlier and it was fine.If they wanted to do something to us they would've by now." Emma said smiling. Don then came up and sat next to Ray. 'Besides, if they wanted to eat us, or whatever, why bother nursing you two back to health?" He asked. "Yea! They saved us so we can trust them." Gilda ended. Everyone sits in a circle getting ready to eat. That was until Mujika put her hands together and started praying, as did Sonju. "We are grateful to heaven and earth. For our lives and this blessed meal we are about to receive." Then they bowed down a bit after praying. "Thank you for this food." Then the kids finished after them. "Thank you for this food!" Everyone started eating as me and Ray looked at the food skeptical.  "Thank you for this food.." We said in unison. I took a spoon of it slowly, looking at it weirdly until I saw Ray in the corner of my eye drinking the soup down. I finally have a spoonful of it. "It's good."


                                                                                   ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ          

ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now