ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ 20

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                                                                                        ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

Y/n and Ray climbed up to the lookout of the abandoned building they lived at. only to find Emma looking out in the distance sadly. Once they both made it next to her, she looked up. "I still can't believe Norman's alive. But here he is, I don't think I've ever been happier." "You're not really happy though." Y/n said after Emma's not-so deceiving comment. "Huh?" "Norman's master plan? You have a problem with it. We could tell." Ray said, continuing Y/n's reply. Emma laughed. "What are you talking about? I think it's great. If there are no more demons, we won't have to keep living in fear. I'm all for tha-" "Gimme a break. It's us you're talking to, remember?" Y/n interrupted as she went and stood next to Ray. 

 Emma then looked down and pursed her lips tightly. "Something must be wrong with me. But you're right, I don't like his plan at all." She admitted as she looked at Ray and Y/n. "I know that's crazy to say, but you guys heard some of the others. They're not happy cause it'll solve things, they're mostly happy because they care about me. And I, I hate that. I don't want to be eaten, or for anyone else to be. They hunt us. They raise us on farms to be livestock. I know they're our enemy but still. As we walked through their town it hit me, demons are a lot like us. They have names, they have feelings, they have families they love, they're our enemy. But does that mean they all have to die? Isn't there another option? Besides, what about Mujika? She's our friend!" "If you don't like it, why didn't you say something?" Ray asked. Emma looked down, "What's the point? I want a solution where no one dies. But I can't think of one where the demons don't go extinct. If we all go to the human side, we'd be cutting off their food supply. They'll degenerate and kill each other off. It doesn't matter if we use Norman's drug or not, they'll die either way. I can't accept that. But there's no other solution. What do I do?!" Emma spoke as she stared at Y/n and Ray. 

"...I dunno." Ray said shortly. "Huh?" "There's no point in arguing. Norman's right, again, there's nothing you can do." He held Emma's shoulder. "Well, that's one hell of a pickle you're in." Emma yelled out in denial and madness, not taking Ray's hard spoken words lightly. 'Damn, just like that?' Y/n thought as Emma continued to scream at him, stomping her feet. "You exposed your feelings by yourself. I didn't make you do anything, your true feelings just came out. If you wanted to keep it private you would've taken it to your grave. But you can't do that." Ray said as Emma looked below in silence. 

Y/n sighed loudly and sat on the ledge of the tower. "Here's the thing about secrets, they're tricky. You can try keeping'em, but sometimes they come bursting out anyway. And, sorry but, knowing how you are they'll just keep rushing out, at the worst time possible, and screwing up in the end. If that happens, which it probably will, it'll put everyone in danger. It'll cause immense problems for Norman, me, and Ray. So if you have any doubts, you need to let Norman know. And you need to do it fast because there's no going back. If you keep it to yourself, it will be something you'll regret." Y/n spoke as Emma nodded. "Right-" 

"Damn right." Ray interrupted. "We're fine with all the demons dying, but your not." "I did not say tha-" "So think real hard here Emma, cause this is as serious as it gets. What do you wanna do?" Ray said as Emma looked at the floor, in deep thought. She then looked up strongly. "I don't want more death. I wanna find a way to coexist. But, like, I don't know how we can achieve that. And to be honest, I'm not sure it's even possible." "Okay, well that's pretty straight forward. Let's pitch it to Norman." Ray said bluntly, sitting next to Y/n, as Emma furrowed her brows. "Wait, didn't you hear me? I said I didn't know what to do." "All the more reason to talk to him. Now is the time to speak up, not later. Your not just telling anyone your telling Norman. We're all friends, you can talk freely to us about anything." Emma smiled, "Yeah." Y/n yawned and stretched her arms out. "Besides, Norman wasn't with us, when we met them." Emma stayed put before jumping a bit. "Ah, Sonju and Mujika." "Yea, they didn't have a problem not eating us." Y/n added. "Yeah, they told us they didn't need to. And they sure didn't degenerate." "Tey could've been lying to us too. But if they weren't, they could keep their shape and their intelligence without eating people. They're like, immune." Ray commented as he looked at both Emma and Y/n. 

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