ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻꭈׁׅ 11

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                                                                                       ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ 

"You ready? Time to switch stuff out." Ray says as he walks out with Isabella to replace the chemicals.Norman,Emma, and Y/n all run out to the wall for the inspection. Don and Gilda stand outside the house as they look to the second floor window to the south. Gilda sighs, I hope this goes smoothly." Ray walks walks up the stairs as Isabella speaks up, "I got rid of her." Ray turns around fastly to her, furrowing his brows. "I removed Krone from the equation." She says, smiling just a little. Ray stares at her in the tense moment before widening his eyes and running towards Sister's room. He busts open the door, only to see no one there, the lights out. He walks in a bit looking around as Isabella walks to him and goes down to is ear. "Know why she's gone? I didn't need her." Ry turns around, shaking a bit. Isabella looks down on him, "And you're next." "Huh?" "Our deal is officially over as of right now." She says clapping once. "What? You- You're joking! Come on, how can you say you don't need me?! I was helpful to you right!? You were using me! So you could stay in the shadows! And control them indirectly!" Ray yells to her. "That's right." Isabella says smiling. "I was doing a good job! To you I'm-" "Yes , you were quite the useful dog. That's why I kept you by my side." She bends down. "Despite the fact you're a liar and a traitor." She says, going back up again and smiling wider. Ray scoffs worriedly, "I can still be of use to you! It's a non issue!" "Yes, it's true there's no fault with you. I know that it's unfair. It affects me as well. I didn't want to let you go until the very end of all this-" "That doesn't-!" "Unfortunately, the situation has changed." She takes out her pocket watch. "I'll be controlling them from now on. I'm sorry Ray, I hope you forgive me for what I'm about to do" She says before Ray runs to her. He puts her in a controlling hug, to not let her go until she takes the back of his shirt and throws him to the ground. Isabella then closes the door and locks it, Ray still inside. "Mom!?" "Just stay in there for a while, okay? I'll be sure to let you out when I get back." She replies as Ray bangs on the door. "Now, based on the two signals, it must be Emma, Norman, and Y/n. So they're heading for the wall, huh? I assume to inspect it. And I'm not worried about the poison, I know you'll protect me. For their sake you won't get me killed right? That's why if you wanted to suppress me, you'd definitely use a different method." Ray grimaces. Goodbye Ray, thank you for all you've done for me." She says walking away. Ray sweats, "Damn it!" He yells, grabbing his head in his head. I've gotta get outta here!" He says while forcefully kicking the door.

Don and Gilda look to the window, to see no signal for a while. "Huh, I guess things are going good." "Yea." They both say until they see Isabella walk out the house. They stare in horror as she passes them, giving them a teasing glare. Don gasps. "Wait, what's going on? Mom came out even though Ray didn't signal us!" Gilda says worried. "Stay here, I'll go check it out!" Don says to Gilda as he looks for Ray. "Don!" "I'll be right back!" Ray hits the door more and more, harder each time. "Ray, is that you!?" Don yells. "Yea! Don stand back!" Ray yells. Gives a questioning look before listening to the door and her  grunt. He moves out the way before Ray kicks the door down, frame coming down with it. "You good?" Don asks Ray. "Yea, we gotta hurry!" "You're right!" The two run outside, Don stopping to notify Gilda but Ray keeps running.  Ray runs fast as a million thoughts run through his head. 'Did they make it up already?' 'Did mom find them yet?' 'Were they hurt?' 'Was Y/N hurt?!' 

Emma take the bag of the ropes out the tree and jumps down. Norman and Emma both nod to each other until they hear footsteps coming their way. "Emma." "Yea." Emma tosses the rope into the bushes as they look in front of them to see whose coming. They see Isabella walk toward them with her pocket watch opened. She walked slowly, as she had a small smile on her face. Emma gasps lightly, "Why is she..." Isabella stops a few feet away from the two. Emma smiles falsely, "Hey mom! Something wrong?" Isabella closes her watch and smiles, lowering her head. "Ten years." She starts. "Huh?" "That's how long we've been living together. But this is the first time that talked without any of us acting." Emma's smile drops into a serious look, as does Norman's. Isabella closes her eyes once more before opening them, the look in her eyes different. Nice to meet you Emma, same goes for you Norman." The two give her a frozen look. She giggles a bit, "Come on, you can relax. It's just us. No one else is around. You don't have to act like good little kids who don't know any better. Right now we're the care taker and the children meant to be food." The two tense up fully, eyes widening slowly. "However, I must admit,I've loved everyone of the children I've raised. I do, truly. As if you all were my own children. That's why, I came out here to ask that you all just give up." She says, her smile falling at the end. "Give.." "..Up?" Norman and Emma question. A pause is held, "Give up resisting.I love you all and don't want you to suffer. And I don't want to be the cause of you're suffering. This life is happy, isn't it? You get to live in a warm house filled with delicious food and love. If you can stay oblivious to the truth, then you are able to die feeling satisfied.... So how does that sound like anything but paradise?" She explains, smiling. Emma pauses unbelievably before lowering her head. "That's what you think this is? Are you saying that this happy life was worth what Conny went through!?" Emma says, raising her voice. "Death happens in an instant. Until the moment she died, Conny experienced a rich life full of smiles and laughter-" " What's the point if it's all just fake!? I'm going to live freely even if I suffer for it! Then I'll decide happiness for myself!"Emma yells. She starts again before Norman pats her shoulder and shakes his head no. 

Escaping is impossible, and it's dangerous outside. You don't really wanna go out there." She gestures out her hand. "Now, why don't we go back to living happily together? Act like none of this happened. My greatest wish is for the six of you to live the joyest lives until your time eventually runs out." Norman's face shifts, "Six, not four?"Him and Emma have confused looks until they realize. They both look at each other, then look at Isabella. "Fine mom, you were right." Isabella smiles. "..I'll stop being a good kid!" Norman grins. "Huh?" Emma runs to Isabella, capturing her in a hug, "Go Norman!" Norman runs to the side to get the rope. As Emma hugs her, she reaches for the watch, in return, Isabella smirks. As soon as Norman runs out, he hears cracks behind him. He stops running and turns around. He sees Emma on the floor in front of Isabella. She broke her leg. Emma screams in agony from the pain as she lies on the vibrant green ground. Norman stares in horror at the scene in front of him. Isabella turns her face up to Norman as she gives him a smile. Only for Y/n to run out the forest and kick Isabella in the face. "Y/n!" Norman yells.As soon as she does, Isabella takes Y/n's other foot, making her fall on her back. She pulls Y/n's leg closer to her like something out of a horror scene. Y/n moves her leg around from her mother as she keeps a strong hold on her leg. Still holding that menacing smile, even with a bruised cheek. Y/n kicks Isabella's thigh with a forceful kick, which makes her mother let her go. As soon as she did, Y/n kicked her mom's hand hardly before crawling backwards from Isabella. Y/n held a face of anger, of hatred for the woman. The three from the house finally made it to their destination. Ray witnessing the scene in front of him, he was appalled.  From Norman's horrified face,Emma's twisted knee,  Isabella's bruised up face and fingers,  and finally to Y/n's form crawling backwards on the ground. Isabella stayed staring at the h/c haired girl with a face of horror, as if she was going to do the same thing that she did to Emma to her. Y/n's face didn't falter one bit though, she still held the look of anger and hatred as she stared back at her too.

Isabella snapped out of it though when she went to face the children that just came in running. She then turns to Emma, "Shh, Shh. You're going to be okay. It doesn't hurt. Don't cry. Aww poor thing, my adorable Emma. This is why I told you to give up.But i'm glad you hugged me for the first time in a while." She says hugging Emma to her chest as she turns a bit to Norman. "And you realized it quickly Norman. I'm impressed. Yes, i'll control all of you until the very end. Because you very different than the rest of the children. You're special food, that only a special one is able to eat. You're the highest quality of children I've ever raised." She explains, tending to Emma's injury. " So then.." She turns to Norman with a serious look, her eyes widened. "That's why I have to protect you all. No matter the cost. I was forced to do this because it was clear you weren't going to give up." She says as she cups Emma's cheek. Emma in return let out yet another scream of agony. A moment passes by after Emma stops and Isabella speaks up, "You'll have no ability to stand up, which means I have no worries for tomorrow." "Tomorrow?" Ray asks. "Yes, tomorrow. You can stay and celebrate Emma." She then turns fully to Norman. "There was a notice from headquarters, so congrats Norman, the time for you to be shipped has come." She says blankly with a smile. Emma looks at her mother unbelievably as Norman widens his eyes in terror.


ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now