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                                                                                     ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ 

Y/n and Emma sit on a tree root and go through small pieces of paper together, smiling and talking to each other. Then, Mujika walks up to the two and sits next to them. She looked at the pictures in Emma and Y/n's hands and give them a questioning look. Y/n looked stunned for a bit until slightly realizing, "Our family? You wanna hear about'em?" Mujika only smiled and nodded in response as the two girls smile. They all go through pictures pointing and naming who is who. "His name is Phil. That's Sherry, she's elegant and super sharp!" "And who's that?" "That's Carol. She's only one but some times she can make the weirdest faces, she's hilarious!" "And who are those two?" "They are Naila and Domdin, the one behind them is Eugene." They go through more pictures until they get to the one with Norman,Emma, and Y/n; the time when Ray took a picture of them three. Emma sank in her sitting position. "This is Norman." Mujika only looked at both the girls long faces until Emma started talking again. "Norman... before he got shipped out, I promised I wouldn't let anymore kids die. And I wouldn't stop. Not until I got everyone off that farm." "He was my cousin. But we knew each other as siblings, we all did." Y/n continued with furrowed brows as Mujika smiled lightly. "This is so weird isn't it? I can't get over how un-demon like you are!" Emma exclaimed as Mujika leaned back a bit, stunned, and Y/n giving Emma a side eye. It took Emma a couple seconds to realize what she just said, "Uh, wait! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be rude!" She apologized as Mujika smiled again. "Your fine." Emma looked back to the picture in her hands. "You're not that different are you? You demons come in different shapes and sizes too!" Emma commented. "That is true. Over the past thousand years, our appearance has changed quite a bit." Mujika stood up and looked over to a pair of two butterfly's dancing in the air. "I have never seen a human, much less spoken with one. And now I have. You are neither enemies nor food. You guys are unlike any living thing. I am glad to have met you, and to have spoken with you two. And to have become friends with you." She ended as Y/n and Emma smiled brightly. "Yea, so are we. We're glad to have met you, and that we got to know you. Thank you for the past six days. But most of all, I'm glad we're friends too." Y/n said as she took Mujika's hand in hers, unaware of the tall man seated behind them with a suspicious look.


Night time falls upon everyone as they all already have fallen asleep. Well, almost everyone. Ray held William Minerva's pen in his hand and looked at the projection in front of him with a perplexed look as he typed in the word 'Hope'. He stayed concentrated on the screen, until someone patted his shoulder. He jumped back in shock and quickly turned around, only to see Y/n gazing at him with tired eyes. "Why are you still awake? It is our last night to I would recommend you get at least more sleep than ever." The boy sighed to himself and put the pen away. Then, he took Y/n's hand off his shoulder and held it securely. "Y/n, I don't need you checking up on me all the time. You've been doing that ever since we left. I promise you, I'm fine." Ray said as he lightly squeezed her hand. Y/n looked at him in silence for only a minute until closing her eyes apologetically. "I heard everything." Ray furrowed his brows as he looked up into her eyes. "..You heard what?" Y/n opened her eyes and looked back into Ray's curious ones. "I heard the whole conversation you had with Norman. You know... when you revealed you were the traitor." In the darkness, she could see the boy's eyes widen in shock, a little bit of fearfulness too. "You heard...everything?" Ray said quietly to her, still holding the wide eyed expression. "Well, uh, except one part. Because you whispered it." She said as Ray opened his mouth just a bit from shock. "And the reason I brought this up was just to let you know and to clear things up. I'm not mad at you. Well, at least not anymore. And I especially don't blame you for anything. But I've just been trying to make sure that your ok." She ended as Ray softened his eyes. He then lifted both his hands up and cupped both of her cheeks. "Listen, I know you want to make sure I'm safe AND keep me steady, mentally too. But that doesn't mean you can just forget about yourself. Like all of what you just said, I kinda feel the same about you. So you can stop worrying about me and worry about yourself."Ray said as Y/n touched Ray's hand cupping her cheek. They both stared at each other in silence. Admiring each other with careful eyes until Y/n smiled. "Yea, yea, alright. Now come on, let's go sleep." She said as she took Ray's hands in hers and pulled him up. Ray smiled and walked with her to their sleeping mats. For sure, he was falling for her.

ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now