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ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

The clicks and clanks from each stall of a demon town are heard within the streets. Most of the stalls consisted of human meat. Like heads, legs, hands, kidneys, etc. They were all held in blue tubes, mostly to keep them preserved. Tons of demons walked through the streets to buy what they could at the stalls, or to just browse on what there was. There was a certain group of five 'demons' that walked together without separation. The group walked together out of the town and into the forest in front. They soon make it to a very old, broken down building. Crows flew off the walls of it as the five got closer. They soon entered the building and walked into a room with a dimly lit fire. "Welcome back!" A bunch of kids ran toward the five, greeting them. "Hey. Sorry we took so long." One of the five said as they all began to remove their fake demon masks, revealing Emma, Ray, Y/n, Gilda, and Don. It had been a couple months since they escaped. Emma was the first to take her mask off, her orange hair had grown quite a bit, allowing her to make a small braid on the side. "How'd it go Emma?" One of the kids asked. The five bring out bags. "Tadaa! Check this out!" Don exclaimed as he showed the foods in his bag. "This is all the food we could get today. Sorry it's not more.." Emma said, her voice dying down. "It's okay! It's enough!" All of a sudden, Jemima's stomach started to rumble, making all of the kids break down laughing. Emma stayed worried until she started to giggle with them, as did Gilda. Gilda's hair had grown enough for her to tie the front parts of it back, styling it up more than before. Y/n and Ray stood next to each other, smiling at the laughable sight in front of them. Ray's hair had stayed the same style, but had grown quite a bit. Y/n had tied the front parts of her hair to the back, like Gilda did, and wrapped a hair spiral on a chunk of hair on the right side of her head.

The two then hear little running footsteps coming in from the entrance of the room. Two of the younger kids enter and smile, "Hey! Welcome back!" Y/n smirked. "How's it going guys?"

Anna poured soup for everyone, passing the bowls down to each kid. Once everyone got their food, they prayed and started to eat. "Thank you for the food." After they finished eating. Anna and Yvette started to preserve the food for the next day as Emma walked by.  "We'll save this for tomorrow, and this for the day after."  Anna said, pointing at the jars of food. "Is that enough?" Yvette asked. "I'm going back tomorrow!" Emma exclaimed, making them both turn around. "There's no rush." Emma turned to see some of the kids looking at her. "We're doing fine so far sharing!" "Yea, and there's lots of ways to make soup!" "I could eat soup every day!" Emma cringed. "Ok, but-" "It's fine Emma, really. We're not going to starve, so don't worry." Anna interrupted. Emma looked at Anna in worry, while Anna only smiled.

"...everything is fine. Over and out." The radio says. Ray, Y/n, Emma, Nat, Anna, Gilda, and Don sat outside and listened to the radio. "Nothing happened at the house today. That's good, I guess." Gilda says.  "Can't we do something?" Nat asked. "Well we can't keep hiding forever. That's for sure." Don responded. "At least we're safe here...For now. And this place has good reception. So we can still keep tabs on grace field." Gilda suggests. "We haven't come up with a new plan since we abandoned the bunker." Nat said as silence fell upon everyone. Y/n looked at Emma's worried face. "We'll figure out what to do in time. But we can't bring Phil and the others here." She said. "That would be crazy. We're barely getting by as it is." Gilda ended. They then opened up the projector on the pen, and looked at their location for the portal to the human world. "It's far." Nat said. "Yes, it is. Getting there seems almost impossible." Anna added, while Emma only tensed up.


Y/n sat on top of the watch tower, keeping watch for anything lurking at night. Well, she was supposed to keep watch. Y/n aimed her assault rifle at a tree and squinted her eyes, focusing. Her finger laid on the trigger lazily as she held the rifle in a tight grip. She tilted her head a bit while focusing on her target, then lowered the gun down slowly. She popped open the mag (The thing that holds all the bullets.) and took a look at the ammo that was held within it. There were 19 bullets in total meaning one was missing. She assumed that the man who had the gun had wasted that exact bullet long ago.  Y/n didn't use or waste any of the bullets within the rifle to avoid causing a racket and to not scare her siblings. She looked back at the tree she was aiming at before and stared at it for a while until someone spoke behind her, making her jump. "Yo." "Ray-!" "You know you're gonna have to tell Emma that you have that soon enough." She looked at him with her brows furrowed until she softened her gaze. "Yea. Yea, I know." She said, leaning on the small wall of the circular lookout. "I'm just not ready for her to ask how I got it." She continued, looking out at the landscape. "Just tell her what you told me. That you just took the gun and made a run for it." (👀) Ray said as he leaned on the wall next to her. "Uh, yea. I could. But what would she say after I told her? What would she think about the whole situation? Plus, she's so stressed out with everything that's been going on. So if I put more pressure on her it's not gonna be good." Y/n said as she looked at Ray in his eyes with her saddened ones.

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