ᝯׁhׁׅ֮ɑׁׅ֮℘tׁׅꫀׁׅܻr 17

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                                                                                          ᨮ꫶ׁׅ֮/ꪀׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ 

I gasped. 'Minerva? If it's really him, why wasn't he here right now?'. "Mr. Minerva? Hello? Are you still there?" The man on the phone continued, ignoring me. "If you answered, I assume you are an escapee. I made this qui-" I tried to keep talking to him but nothing worked. "Right. But.. Hello?!" I said, raising my voice. Then I heard Ray behind me. "It's a recording." I pause and then listen to the man's words. "My real name is James Retery. I used to be affiliated with the farm system there. One day I realized the thousand year old promise between humans and demons was barbaric. And children being sacrificed for it became unbearable for me. So I decided I would do something about it. I couldn't break the promise. But I figured out another way to help. I invented an alter ego. William Minerva to hide my identity. And I slipped little clues in the books going to the farms. Hoping the children who noticed them would find this bunker and hopefully, a chance to live free. But the farms found out I was betraying them. I was a so-called traitor, and had to run away myself. Or face execution. I don't know how many there are of you. But I wish I could've been there to meet you. I wish I could've seen your faces. Heard your voices. I know you must've suffered so much to get there. But I'm so proud you did. You can live here forever if that's what you want. Or if you want to go to the human side, all you have to do is open the pen and type in F.U.T.U.R.E. Future. The people there will take you in and you'll be safe." That was the end of the call. I set the phone back down and turn behind me to see the four standing there. I didn't really have a specific expression on my face. I just furrowed my brows and looked down, ready to tell them what I heard.


                                                                                                ꪀׁׅᨵׁׅ ℘ᨵׁׅ᥎꫶ׁׅ

"Mr. Minerva was on our side, even though he never met us. With everything we'd ever need. To live here as long as we wanted to. He guided us here. And he can guide us to the human side too if we want. All we have to do is choose." Emma said to everyone. All the kids gathered up in the dining room for a little meeting. Emma and Y/n stood in the front as Ray sat in a chair.  "It's up to us from there." Ray said squinting his eyes a bit. Y/n then walked up next to Emma and twisted the pen and displayed the projector. Emma typed the words 'Future' in and the screen popped up into a map with a specific location. "It's a map!" "D-100. It's on the western edge. That's so far!" Don whined as he looked at the map. "Right. But who cares about that?" Gilda says before Y/n speaks up. "This is our chance to get to the human side." "First things first, we have to make this place livable and start planning. Then, we'll go back to grace field and get Phil and the others. We'll get the kids from the other houses too and come back here. Then we'll all go to the human world." Ray explained walking next to Y/n. "Mhm. We won't stop until everyone is free. We have to do this, for the sake of all the kids, and for Normans." Emma said as Ray and Y/n tilted their heads down a bit. "I promised him that I wouldn't let anymore kids die. And that I wouldn't stop. Not until I got our whole family off the farm and safe. And that's a promise I have to keep. For him, for us, for everyone. Emma continued. Y/n and Ray side glanced each other for just a second until looking forward towards everyone else.


For the past couple weeks, all the kids practiced tidying around the bunker. Focusing on keeping clean and on their own health. Waking up early every morning by one of the kids banging pots and pans together. "Good morning! Get up! Or you'll be late for breakfast. Anna would write down the dates, in the notebook she found at the bunker, of the days they stayed there and keep track of everyone's duties and chores. They stored extra food and supplies in the room behind the piano and made new bow and arrows for hunting. Y/n, Ray, and Emma helped most of the kids with aiming and shooting with the arrows so they could help with hunting. The eldest kids went outside and hunted for more food like birds, etc. The youngest kids played tag in the tunnels below the bunker, helping them with strength. Don and Rossy stayed in the Monitor room and looked at the cameras late at night for security while Y/n would check up on them from time to time. Don would also help the kids stretch and keep their physical and mental physic. Emma  would help the younger kids with gardening and instruct them. While Ray and Y/n read together in the small library, sharing their thoughts and ideas to each other.

ᨰׁׅꪱׁׅᥣׁׅ֪ᥣׁׅ֪ᨵׁׅᨰׁׅ - Ray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now