Chapter 2: Saving the village

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Anime Opening


Location - Emerald Forest

Kaone Pov

After that light transportation me, send me in the unknown world and a girl named anna. I left the command tent and saw the army in the ww2 uniform. But they were germans, russians (soviet union) and britians are now working together in the military?

Kaone: *Italian though* Che cazzo? Perché i soldati russi e britannici lavorano con i soldati tedeschi? Sono tutti nemici nella seconda guerra mondiale? [What the fuck? Why are the russians and british soldiers working with german soldiers? Are they're all enemies in ww2?]

I remember in history that the soviet union and britain battle against the nazi germany. But I'm seeing that they're didn't fight or kill each other.

Kaone: *Russian* Я думаю, они не будут убивать друг друга. [I guess they're won't kill each other.] *English* I hope.

???: *German* Schön, Sie zu sehen, Kommandant. [Good to see you commander.]

I turn my head and saw anna with the german uniform.

Kaone: *German* Anna, du bist hier. [Anna, You're here.]

Anna: *Smile* *German* Ja, die Armee ist bereit für Ihr Kommando, einschließlich der britischen und russischen. [Yes, The army is ready for your command, Including british and russian.]

Kaone: *German* Okay, aber lasst uns zuerst die Gegend erkunden und nach der Zivilisation suchen. [Ok, But let's scout first and search for civilization.]

I ask, I decided to use scouts to search for civilization. Although this is new to me.

Anna: *German* Ja Kommandant. [Yes commander.]

Kaone orders the british, russian and german soldiers to be sent to recon the area.

Timeskip, Brought to you by this

Timeskip, Brought to you by this

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And back to the story

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown an 4 German, 6 Russian and 7 British Soldiers (Mostly female), Traveling in the emerald forest. However, One of them saw a smoke miles away.

Soviet Soldier 1: *Russian* Дым, вперед. [Smoke, Up ahead.]

He pointed at the smoke.

Soviet Soldier 2: *Russian* Должно быть, это была цивилизация. [It must been civilization.]

British Soldier 1: Then what are we waiting for. Let's move!


The scene shown a village been under attack by the white fang. The village militri tried to defend the villagers against them. But that prove to be useless. The villagers though that this is the end of them. But-





The White Fang Grunts were suddenly been killed by a unknown soldiers with stranges weapons.

???: *German* Töte sie alle! Rette die Dorfbewohner. [Kill them all! Save the villagers.]

They're speaking in the german language. The Soldiers open fire on the white fang, Killing one by one. The WF Grunts aura couldn't save them as many were killed or dying. After few minutes of battle, The white fang where killed or surrender. One of the Chief villager thank them.

Chief Villager: Thank you kind soldiers.

British Soldier: You're welcome. But that's not over yet. They're been coming in reinforcement.

Chief Villager: *Shock* W-What!?

To Be Continue


Next Chapter 3: Defense


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