Chapter 29: Battle of Vale Pt.1

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(A/N: This is gonna been pain in the ass. Well, Whatever. Enjoyed)

(World War II Anime Opening)


Location: UMF Occupation Vale

3rd Person Pov

In the sky, We see Atlas Airships attacking Vale and Sending Paladin and AK200 drones made inside the city. The Army of UMF Able the hold the position to allowed the civilains in vale to escaped.

Me-262 Jets Fighter and P-51 Mustangs were handling the Atlas Airships and the Bullheads. Anti-Air Turrets took down many Bullheads before landing and others manages to send soldiers in.

In the Streets, We See americans soldiers with SMGs and Rifles fighting against the Atlas Soldiers and AK200. In the Battle, We see two females, One was an German named Rina.....

 In the Battle, We see two females, One was an German named Rina

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And the other was an american named Jessia

Needless to say, The Two were able to work together to killed the rest of Atlas Soldiers and AK200

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Needless to say, The Two were able to work together to killed the rest of Atlas Soldiers and AK200.


Needless to say, This helps raise moral in their army and many able to killed the rest of the enemy, But doesn't help for stoping the enemy forces.


In the Police Station controlled by UMF Military, We see Kaone arrived with his car. The American Soldiers Saw him and Salute towards him.

US Soldier 1: Sir! Glad you're back!

Kaone: How the Situation?

US Soldier 2: The City was under attack, Atlas Forces have able to any streets and buildings. However, We were able to destroyed their ships.

Kaone: Any else?

US Soldier 1: Yes, The infantry are holding against the larges number of Atlas troops and AK200 while they evacuated the civilains!

Kaone: Hmmm, I guess they need my help. Alright boys, Listen. Called Reinforment in the UMF and Send an Army their.

US Soldiers: Yes sir!

Kaone saw the M4 Sherman passing by. He ran toward it and jump on top of it.

Meanwhile.... Again

The scene opens to see the american soldiers are killed or alive still have their fight in them. Rina and Jessia are alived, But their clothes are tore and half-naked. The two are surrounding by Atlas Soldiers.

Atlas Soldier 1: Well, Well, Well, Look at we got here?

Atlas Soldier 2: Two hot girls half naked.

Rina: *German* Geh und fick dich selbst. [Go fuck yourself.]

Jessia: You boys will regretted for this.

Atlas Soldier 3: Oh don't worry, We're take care of you two.

The Atlas Soldiers laughed as many wanted fun with this girls. But-


Atlas Soldiers were shot by the machine gun. Than, The AK200s and Atlas Soldiers Were suddenly blown up by the Tank Shell. Rina and Jessia were shock by this, However, They turn their heads and saw the M4 Sherman and the rest of the reinforments arriving. The Tank hatch was open and it was non-other than kaone with a M1911 Pistol on his head. He looks at the soldiers still in better condictions.

Kaone: On your feet soldiers, We got a city to defend.

He jump off the tank and walk towards the girls and kneels.

Kaone: You two..... Are you alright?

The two blush embarrassed after their clothes are half damaged.

Kaone: Well, I can tell you alright?

He turns towards the soldiers and order to do.

Kaone: Alright boys and girls! Atlas have caught us off guard! Is time to killed this bastard and take back our territory!

The Soldiers nodded and many gathers gear and weapons. And ready to back the city.


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Next Chapter 31: Battle of Vale Pt.2


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