Chapter 14: The New Order and Reaction

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(Battlefield 1942 Intro)

(RWBY Volume 1 Intro)


Location: United Mothome Federation, The Capital.

4 Days Later

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown Kaone Mothome and Anna Überturgen in the office, After he became the leader of the United Mothome Federation. Kaone wanted to turn the nation into a superpower and shown the world not to be mess with. So kaone doesn't broadcast the world about him and his nation. But he decided to wear a mask to hide his identity from the world or shine for some reason, Except Anna.

Kaone: *German* Es läuft die Kamera? [It's the camera rolling?]

German Soldier: *Using the Camera* Ja, mein Anführer. [Yes my leader.]

Kaone: *Turn to Anna* *German* Anna, trägst du deine Maske nicht? [Anna, Are you not wearing your mask?]

Anna: *German* Es ist in Ordnung, es ist mir egal, ob ich glänze oder nicht. [It's fine, I don't care if I'm shine or not.]

Kaone: *Nodded* *German* Gut zu wissen. [Good to know.]

German Soldier: *Using the Camera* *German* Wir leben in drei..... zwei... eins. [We're live in three..... two...... one.]

Kaone: *German* Lass es tun. [Let do this.]


Location: Beacon Academy, Cafeteria.

3rd Person Pov

The scene the cafeteria as huntress and huntsman were eating. Another scene shown team RWBY, JNRP & SSSN as they enjoyed lunch. Until the TV started to act strange.

Ruby: Huh? What's wrong with the TV?

Weiss: Probaby terrible signal, I guess?

Blake: Terrible signal?

Yang: Maybe I should fix it.

However, The TV Switches back. But it shown an man with mask on his face.

 But it shown an man with mask on his face

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(A/N: What? I watched this movie. It was incredible and good. Watch it fi you like? :))

Alongside him are two soldier holding assault rifles wearing those strange mask.

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