Chapter 35: New Allies from the Other side. Pt.2

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Location: United Mothome Federation, The Capital.

3rd Person Pov

The scene opens to the Mansion and inside, We see a huge meeting room between UMF Leader Kaone Mothome and Second-in-Command Anna Mothome, And the Dragon Empire, Empress Wurm.

Kaone: Now we are here. Can you explained why you visit us our great nation?

Wurm: Well, My Leader. The Dragon Empire has come for allies. After I heard a nation able to take down vacuo and vale. I knew my vision our correct as I know that you were the one who have beaten Atlas with strange weapons and vehicles. Haven't you?

Kaone: *Surprise* Well, Yes. The United Mothome Federation is an powerful nation to counter anything, Including atlas. I wanted to help the world from itself from racist, corruptions and slaves. Remnant needs to changes and help fight against grimms that destroyed towns and villages. White Fang are the only problem due to crimes and murder. So, I have no choice but to used force. The world needs a new order and new rules. That's why I'm planning to invade atlas next week.

Wurm: I'm impressed, I never seen a human willing to turn the tide of war on remnant and take down the two kingdoms. Well, If you agreed, Let make an example. We have a same goal and common enemy. Atlas needs to put down and destroyed. The Dragon Empire have enough firepower to wipe out the entire army of army and airships. The Dragon will send scientists and engineers to you're military and upgraded them with veil technologies.

Kaone: That's sound like a deal?

Wurm: Did you agreed?

Kaone: Well, I have to agreed to it. But send one. I already have a scientist named Eggman in my country. He or she will help him.

Wurm: That's a deal then.

To Be Continue


Next Chapter: The Invasion of Atlas begins Pt.1

End Credit

Hearts of iron: RWBY (Male OC X Hearts of iron 4 X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now