Chapter 34: New Allies from the Other side. Pt.1

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Location: United Mothome Federation, Navy Docks.

3rd Person Pov

The scene opens to the UMF that was built after the mothome invasion. It was now port for ships that was dock for checkup. Also, The UMF Able to created a new aircraft carrier. Mothome-Class Aircraft Carrier.

Thanks to Dr

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Thanks to Dr. Eggman, It was the first advance aircraft carrier that was ever built.

Two Wehrmarchts Soldier were speaking to each other.

Wehrmarcht Soldier 1: *German* Hans?

Wehrmarcht Soldier 2: *German* Ja? [Yes?]

Wehrmarcht Soldier 1: *German* Haben Sie gehört, dass wir uns jetzt im Krieg mit dem Atlas befinden? [Did you heard that we are now at war with the atlas?]

Wehrmarcht Soldier 2: *German* Ja, ich habe es gehört. Der Anführer plant eine Invasion auf dem Atlas-Festland. Wenn wir dort ankommen, werden wir unsere Rache bekommen. [Yep, I heard. The Leader is planning a invasion on atlas mainland. When we get there, We will get our revenge.]

Wehrmarcht Soldier 1: *German* Ist das etwas extrem? Du weisst? [Is that a little extreme? You know?]

Wehrmarcht Soldier 2: *German* Es gibt keine Genfer Konvention auf dieser Welt? Wir haben immer noch chemische Waffen und zwei Atombomben. Wir können machen, was wir wollen? [There's no geneva convention in this world? We still have chemical weapons and two atomic bomb. We can do whatever we want?]

Wehrmarcht Soldier 1: *German* Oh, in Ordnung. [Oh.... okay.]

As they're speaking. Suddenly, They saw something in the sky and the two are beyond shock to see a Airship floating above them.

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