Chapter 6: Reaction

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(Anime Opening)


Location: Vale, Beacon Academy, Beacon Tower

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown beacon academy as they're train huntress and huntsman in the combat school. The next scene shown an office as we see Professor Ozpin drinking his mug with Glynda Goodwitch by his side.

Glynda: *Sigh* Cardin bully an faunus was so stressful.

Ozpin: I know, But we can't expelled him and his team without prove. Even since his parents pay alot of money to get there son into academy.

But, An elevator door was suddenly open as we see an man name Qrow Branwen.

Ozpin: Hello Qrow.

Glynda: Qrow.

Qrow: Hey Oz and Glynda.

Ozpin: What did you visit.

Qrow: *Sigh* Oz, You won't believe me that I found.

Glynda: *Confused* Found what?

Qrow: I just saw the entire horde of grimms attack the village, But they're were easily repelled by the unknown army. Not only that, I saw the same army attack the White Fang heavily fortress base in the forest.

This shock the two what Qrow said, An army defeated an hordes of grimms, And the unknown attack the White Fang heavily fortesss base in the fortress.

Glynda: *Shock* Is this a joke?

Qrow: *Shook his head* Nope, I did capture their weapons.

He takes out two unidentified that the army used. It was a rifle and the submachine gun.

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The two were fascinating about this two weapons that Qrow capture

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The two were fascinating about this two weapons that Qrow capture.

Qrow: I was able to capture them before this guys notices me. And not gonna lie, This weapons weren't used for dust.

Ozpin: Wait? You're saying that they're using dust?

Qrow: Yeah, Like the bullets were replaced with something. And they're could easily kill Grimms and penetrated arua.

Glynda: *Shock* WAIT!!?? WHAT!!!??? How!?

Qrow shrugg as he as no idea about this guys. Ozpin thinks for a minute, He examing the two guns that qrow capture.

Ozpin: Did you know about their leader?

Qrow: Yeah, But he was young, dark skin and wearing military uniform that was not atlas made. However, He speaks....... Different language I couldn't understand.

Glynda: *Confused* Different...... Language?

Qrow: Yeah, Including his soldiers.

Glynda: I..... See.

Qrow: So Oz, Are we gonna meet them or we have call James Ironwood.

Ozpin: *Shook* No, I want you to keep an eye on them. And also, We don't have to call James Ironwood. This will lead to war with the unknown army.

Qrow: So, I have to keep an eye on them and not tell ironwood? That's a good plan.

Glynda: I don't know about this. What if they're working with salem?

Ozpin: If they are working with salem, Than....... We may have an problem. But we don't know if their enemy or not? So let's not make them our enemy.


Location: Valcuo, ????????

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown an unknown place as we see a female cat faunus in the undergrund base. Until she meets an unknown man.

??? 1: So?

??? 2: It's true, The army defeated the white fang base. No casualties on the unknown army.

??? 1: I see...... Where are there base?

??? 2: In the deep forest madem.

??? 1: That's good, I wanted to meet them and gain allies. The revolution have just begun.

To Be Continue


Next Chapter 7: The Allies


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