Chapter 25: Allies with the Menagerie

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WW2 Opening Scene


Location: Menagerie, Kuo Kuana

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown the settlement of kuo kuana in menagerie, Home to the faunus populations to escape from racist and discrimination from 4 kingdoms. However, When they're heard about the UMF declared war on vale, mistral and atlas. They're fear the UMF Might invade their home and enslaved them. But some fortunately, Many calm down has they heard that the UMF ain't interest on invading their homeland. But when they heard that there were going to war against the white fang. Many decided to not joining the white fang since they're didn't want to get involved.

Unknown to them, A fleet of UMF Ships arrived at menagerie, kuo kuana. The Faunus saw those ships and many were surprised to see those designs, Ghira and his wife arrived and both of them were surprise to see visitors. One ship landed on the dock and the ramp one revealing soldiers wearing black armour and weapons on them.

 One ship landed on the dock and the ramp one revealing soldiers wearing black armour and weapons on them

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And there were holding assault rifles.

The soldier salutes and the troops lined up

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The soldier salutes and the troops lined up. Waiting for someone, Two girls. Anna and Wrin came down, and both of them introduced there self.

Anna: Hello the people of menagerie. I'm Anna Überturgen and this Wrin Vön Rommel. We came for negotiate between our two nation.

Ghira: I'm Ghira Belladonna. Welcome to menagerie. We don't have any visitors becaus-

Anna: Racist and Discrimination. I understand mr. ghira since you all wanted equality. But don't worry, United Mothome Federation had anti-discrimination policy thank to our leader.

Wrin: He helps the faunus that wanted to bring equality in this world.

Ghira: I see, But where is your leader? I wanted to meet him.

Anna: Unfortunately, He was..... Sick.

Kali: *Shock* Sick? Oh oum, What happen to him?

Anna: *Nervous* Just some dangerous flu. He......


Location: United Mothome Federation, The Capital, Kaone's Home

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown kaone in his room been tied up on his bed and his clothes are gone, Revealing his naked body. However, The Twin girls. Rebacca and Vabacca were also naked.

Rebacca: *German* Mein Anführer, wir haben gehört, was Sie getan haben, Anna und Wrin. [My leader, We heard about what you done to Anna and Wrin.]

Vabacca: *German* Ja, wir sind wütend und eifersüchtig, dass ihr drei Spaß habt. außer uns. [Yes, We're angry and jealous that you three have fun. except for us.]

Kaone: *Giggle* *German* Es tut mir leid, Rebacca und Vabacca. Ich-ich wusste es nicht- [I-I-I sorry rebacca and vabacca. I-I didn't know for-]

Rebacca: *German* Schweigen! Wenn Anna und Wrin Spaß haben, haben Sie. Dann werden wir es tun! [Silence! If Anna and Wrin fun have you. Than we will!]

Rebacca and Vabacca remove their panties, Revealing there pussy. Kaone widen his eyes and blush red after seeing it.

Kaone: *Blush*........ MEEP 😳

Vabacca: *German* Halte deinen Schwanz still, mein Anführer, er könnte nass werden. [Hold you're cock still my leader, It might get wet.]

Rebacca and Vabacca were having fun, while kaone was been rape.


Location: Menageria, Kuo Kuana.

3rd Person Pov

Ghira: Oh, So that why he is sick. Hope he feel better.

Anna: Yes, But can we continue somewhere else?

Ghira: Oh right! This where ma'am.

To Be Continue


Next Chapter: A Coup


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