Chapter 32: Secret Revealed Pt.2

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Battlefield 5 Anime Opening


Location: Beacon Academy, Vault

3rd Person Pov

The scene opens to Ozpin and red headed girl named pyrrha are entering the vault.


The Underground Shake as they could hear explosion outside.

Pyrrha: Professor Ozpin? Are you sure about this?

Ozpin: It's the only way to save the future of remnant.

Pyrrha: Yeah, But what about the UMF and that leader Kaone.

Ozpin: I don't know miss pyrrha. But let's hope we didn't counter him.

???: Counter who?

The two turned their heads to see Kaone and Anna as both of them are holding Lugers pistol on the hands aiming at the two.

Kaone: Trying to hide something mister oz?

Ozpin: Hello, Mr Kaone. I-

Kaone: What is that?

Kaone points at the mystery tube which he found out it's a girl inside.

Ozpin: That's a fallen maiden, And that's amber

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Ozpin: That's a fallen maiden, And that's amber.

Kaone was about to ask a question until a SS soldier with some news.

SS Soldier: *German* Mein Anführer, die feindlichen Streitkräfte ziehen sich zurück. Allerdings gab es immer noch Atlas in der Stadt und viele wehren sich gegen uns. [My leader, The Enemy forces are retreating. However, There was still atlas in the city and many are fighting back against us.]

Kaone: *German* Senden Sie die Panzerdivision und schwere Soldaten, um jeglichen Widerstand in der Stadt zu beseitigen. Vale darf nicht fallen. [Send the Armoured Division and Heavy Troopers to clear up any resistance in the city. Vale must not fall.]

SS Soldier: *German* Ja, mein Anführer [Yes my leader]

The SS Soldier left and kaone turned his head to the two.

Kaone: And you two, need some explaining to do.


Location: ??????

??? Pov

We're finally arrived at the otherside. I remember the queen told us that the young boy controlled the army of strange looking soldiers. I must this boy and help us defeat Salem.

To Be Continue


Next Chapter: The Storm

WW2 Theme Song

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