Chapter 17: Invasion of Vale and Surrendering

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(A/N: Howdy! The United Mothome Federation decided to invade Vale. France surrending style.

Yeah, What could wrong go? XD)

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Yeah, What could wrong go? XD)



Location: Vale

3rd Person Pov

Things weren't the same in vale, Civilians, Including were rioting and protesting about the threat on UMF. They're wanted the council to do something or surrender to UMF fearing they're caught in the crossfire. Atlas Soldiers and VPD tried to calm the civilians, But many became violences and push against atlas soldier and VPD.

Atlas Soldiers open fire on protester and rioter killing them mercilessly. Man, Woman and even Children were killed in the slaughter, Horrified they're just did, Atlas Soldiers tried to cover up the massacre. But someone record the video and post it on the news. When it gets out, The Entire world was shock and horrified to hear that atlas committing terrible act against civilians. Even the huntress and huntsman were horrified by this.

Violate Protest and Rioting erupt more in Vale. The Council and Professor Ozpin have no choice but to surrender to the UMF.


Location: Vale, Atlas Airship.

Ironwood Pov

I was shock to hear that my men killed those civilians in cold blood. Not only that, I also heard that council and ozpin is surrendering to the UMF. Are they CRAZY!!!??? I need to speak some sense to ozpin about surrendering. Until my man came with more shocking news. Atlas Councils decided to withdraw any military in vale.

I was furious that we have to withdraw and left me no choice but order my troops to withdraw to the kingdom of atlas. The battle is lost......


Location: Outside of Vale

Kaone Pov

I was at the beautiful open sea with Anna by my self. Until I saw Atlas Airships withdraw from vale, Including it's troops.

Kaone: *German* Es scheint, dass Atlas seine Truppen nach Vale abgezogen hat. Ich vermute, dass sie mit dieser Situation in Vale nicht zurechtkommen und beschlossen haben, es aufzugeben. [It seem that atlas has withdrawn their forces in vale. I guess they can't handle this situation in vale and decided to abandon it.]

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