Chapter 12: Vacuo Last Stand

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(Battlefield 1942 Intro)

(RWBY Volume 1 Intro)


Location: Vacuo Defenses

3rd Person Pov

Soviet Tank Commander: *Russian* ОГОНЬ!!!! [FIRE!!!!]

The scene shown an T-34 destroyed the paladin and as the soviet forces launched the attack on atlas defenses. Thanks to the vacuo resistance who saboteur atlas communications towers, The Atlas Forces were unable to called reinforcements.

This made the british, soviet and german launched the invasion on vacuo, The Capital. Fortunately, Atlas defenses were now weaker and it was good to send tank units and infantrys on the vacuo.

They already capture some Atlas tech. Like AK-200s, Paladin mech and the abandone bullheads. Which could be useful for the mothome army.


Location: Outside Vacuo, Mothome HQ

3rd Person Pov

Commander Kaone see the atlas defenses fallen and have a smile on his face.

Kaone: *German* Sieht so aus, als ob die Atlas-Verteidigung gefallen ist. [Looks Like atlas defenses have fallen.]

He see the soviet soldiers on top on the roof and place a flag while raising it.

He see the soviet soldiers on top on the roof and place a flag while raising it

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Kaone could hear the shouts of the soviets in the city.

All Soviet Soldiers: OOOORRRAAA!!!!!! OOOORRRAAA!!!!!! OOOORRRAAA!!!!!! OOOORRRAAA!!!!!!

Kaone: *Smile* *Russian* Новый порядок остатка только начинался. Слава модому. [The new order of remnant was just begun. Glory to mothome.]

However, Unknown to him. He was been watch by Qrow. Fortunately, He flies away without kaone notices.


Timeskip brought by this

And back to the story________________________________________________________________

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And back to the story

Location: Vale, Beacon Academy, Tower.

Qrow Pov

I arrived at beacon academy and head to the tower and open the evelator. After I saw the army defeated atlas and vacuo with minor casualties. I knew vale will been next, Or Worses..... The rest of the world.

The elevator door opens and seen ozpin waiting for me.

Ozpin: Anything rep-

Qrow: Ozpin, There's something you need to know! Vacuo has fallen.

I could see the shock on Ozpin face.

Ozpin: *Shock* How....? Is it-

Qrow: No! Not her, But unknown army conquer vacuo in one week. And not only that, I think vale "Here" are next. And not gotta lie, They're have an army ready for us. Here's the video in my scroll.

I show ozpin the video, I could see the look on his face when he saw the army defeated atlas.

Ozpin: *Shock* Oh dear. *Sigh* I can't believe I'm doing this. I need to inform the council, the students and..... Ironwood.

Qrow: Are you serious!? Don't tell me you're going to send my nieces to war against this guys! And I think ironwood will send spies to steal the tech.

Ozpin: I know! I know! But we need to negotiate without war. And don't worry, Ironwood won't do something stupid.

Qrow: *Sigh* I have a bad feeling about this.

To Be Continue


Next Chapter 13: The United Mothome Federation.


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