Chapter 20: Preparing the Dance.

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A/N: Uhhhh??????????

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A/N: Uhhhh??????????



Location: Vale Occupation

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown Kaone, Anna & Wrin walking in vale. They saw the street fill soldiers walking around and patrolling the area their on.

Kaone: *German* Ich schätze, meine Soldaten patrouillieren durch die Straßen von Vale. [I guess my soldiers patrolling the streets of vale.]

Anna: *German* Ja, die Kriminalität in der Stadt war jetzt geringer und diejenigen, die Widerstand leisten, werden ins Gefängnis oder in den Gulag geschickt. [Yes, Crime in the city was now lower and those who resist are sent to prison or gulag.]

Wrin: *German* In der Tat, aber Kommandant. Ich möchte fragen? Warum wuchsen Ihre Haare noch und Sie haben sie nicht geschnitten? [Indeed, But commander. I wanna ask? Why was your hair still growing and not cut it?]

Kaone: Hm?

He finally realized that his hair was long and been transported to this world.

For some damn reason, He looks like a girl

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For some damn reason, He looks like a girl.

Kaone: *Shrugged* *German* Vielleicht gefällt es mir oder so. Ich weiß nicht? [Maybe my like it or something. I don't know?]

Anna: *German* Commander Look, ein Bekleidungsgeschäft. [Commander look, A clothes shop.]

Wrin: *German* Was sollen wir anziehen? [What should we wear?]

Kaone: *German* Ich hörte den Tanz herauskommen. Vielleicht sollten wir darauf vorbereitet sein. [I heard the dance coming out. Maybe we should been prepared for it.]

Anna: *German* Das ist eine gute Idee, Kommandant. [That's a good idea commander.]

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And back to the story

The scene shown Kaone, Wrin & Anna getting dress with good looking clothes.



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(A/N: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)

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(A/N: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)

Kaone: *German* Hm, nicht schlecht. [Hm, Not bad.]

Anna: *Giggle* *German* Ja, das wird gut sein. [Yeah, That will been good.]

Wrin: *German* Gut, dass mein Schwanz zu sehen ist. [Good thing my tail is seen.]

Kaone paid the money to the worker and leaves the Clothes shop. With the new clothes, They were ready the beacon dance.

Anna: *German* Und was nun, Kommandant? [So what now commander?]

Kaone: *German* Jetzt haben wir uns auf den Leuchtfeuertanz vorbereitet. [Now we have prepared for beacon dance.]

Wrin: *Giggle* *German* Ja Kommandant. [Yes commander.]

To Be Continue


Next Chapter 22: Beacon Dance Pt.1

End Credit

Hearts of iron: RWBY (Male OC X Hearts of iron 4 X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now