Chapter 37: The Invasion of Atlas begins Pt.2

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{Battlefield 1942 Opening}


Location: Kingdom of Atlas, Mantle.

3rd Person Pov

The Scene opens to Mantle has things weren't always cool. The entires city were on fire and the gunshots could been heard in the distance. The Surprise attack has trigger the turning point of UMF Military has paratroopers began to fall from the sky. 

Atlas tried to defend the mantle against UMF. But due to UMF Weapons has non-dust bullets, They're begin to lose numbers of atlas soldiers. Paratroopers pushed them back in every streets, ally and some parts of the city.

The U/A-17 Hawk Vtol (UMF Next Generation VTOL) was seen flying adove the streets.

They're started to drop many troopers on the streets as many began to help there fellow comrades on the ground

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They're started to drop many troopers on the streets as many began to help there fellow comrades on the ground.

UMF Lt. Soldier: Come on man! We need to keep pushing until we reach their capital!

UMF Soldier: Sir, How long will the tank division get here.

UMF Lt. Soldier: Until, We clear the enemy soldiers on the ground. Many platoons are still business in the city for clearing out the army.

UMF (Faunus) Soldier: S-Sir, Permission?

UMF Lt. Soldier: What is it son?

UMF (Faunus) Soldier: It is true we're gonna take atlas? I mean? I'm lived here in atlas since I was 6, And I joined the White Fang to served for the adam. But you're capture me after the death of adam and forced in the army. And Now, We're gonna take by force.

UMF Lt. Soldier: That's right son, Even Atlas failed to attacked us. They're can't stop us. The Supreme Leader order to take down some defenders in the city and clear the way of the tank division. Lets move!

As the UMF Soldiers rushed to the battle, They're don't know what they're about to face.


As the Zeppelins started bombing the city. Insides, We see Kaone in the war room with Anna with him.

Kaone: *German* Die Atlas-Streitkräfte verlieren einige von ihnen, nachdem wir sie überfallen haben. Aber die Panzerabwehr muss zerstört werden, damit unsere Panzer an die Front vordringen können. [Atlas Forces are losing some of them after we invade them. But the Anti-Armor needs to be destroyed so that our tanks will push forward to the front lines.]

Anna: *German* Die Luftstreitkräfte kümmern sich um die Atlas-Streitkräfte zu Lande und in der Luft. Angriffshubschrauber sind für den Paladin zuständig, aber wir haben begonnen, 4 Hubschrauber zu verlieren. Ich befehle ihnen, sich zurückzuziehen, bis sich die Lage beruhigt hat. [The Air forces are taking care of the Atlas Forces on Land and Air. Attack Helicopters are handle the Paladin, But we're started losing 4 Helicopters, I order them to retreat until things cool down.]

Kaone: *Sigh* *German* Nun, die Panzerdivision wird der Infanterie helfen und sich um die Verteidiger auf den Straßen kümmern, bis unsere Soldaten die Panzerabwehrtürme geräumt haben. [Well, Tank Division will help some infantry and take care of the defenders in the streets, Until our soldiers clear out the anti-armor turrets.] 

Suddenly, The Zeppelin started to shake a bit.

Kaone: *German* Das müssen die Groppen gewesen sein, die versucht haben, uns abzuschießen. [Must been the bullheads trying to shoot us down.]

As the two speak, They're don't know that they were about to witness atlas most horrified creatures.

To Be Continue


Next Chapter: The Invasion of Atlas begins Pt.3

(A/N: I think I'm late of the D-Day anniversary. Anyway, See you on the next chapter)

End Credit

Hearts of iron: RWBY (Male OC X Hearts of iron 4 X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now