Chapter 11: The Invasion of Vacuo Pt.4

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(Battlefield 1942 Intro)

(RWBY Opening 1)


Location: Mothome Occupation Of Vacuo, Command Tent, War Room.

3rd Person Pov

Kaone: *German* Unsere Freunde im Vakuum haben also Saboteure zur Verteidigung? [So our friends in vacuo have saboteurs their defenses?]

In the war room, He was little surprise by that his "new friends" have saboteurs the atlas defenses. Meaning the mothome forces had an opening on the invasion.

Anna: *German* Ja, glücklicherweise haben sie die Atlas-Waffen erbeutet und beschlossen, einen Putsch gegen die Vacuo zu starten. [Yes, Fortunately they did capture the atlas weapons and decided start a coup against the vacuo.]

Kaone: *German* Okay, schicken Sie die Panzer und die Infanterie, um durch die feindlichen Linien vorzustoßen. Sagen Sie außerdem der Artillerie, sie soll alle Standorte der Atlas-Versorgungsstützpunkte zerstören. [Okay, Send the tanks and infantry to pushed through the enemy lines. also, Tell the artillery to destroy any atlas supplies bases locations.]

Anna: *Nodded* *German* Ja Kommandant. [Yes Commander.]

Just as she was about to leave, She stop.

Anna: *German* Oh, über diesen Kommandanten. Unser Luftwaffenstützpunkt ist endlich in Betrieb. Können wir ihn starten? [Oh, About that commander. Our airbase finally in operation, Can we launch them.]

Kaone: *Nodded* *German* Noch nicht. Wir werden sie einsetzen, nachdem wir das Vakuum überwunden haben. Außerdem möchte ich diese Flugzeuge für unsere nächste Invasion in Vale. [Not yet, We will used them after we beat the vacuo. Also, I want those aircraft for our next invasion on vale.]

Anna: *German* Ich verstehe, Kommandant. [I understand commander.]

Kaone: *German* Gut. [Good.]

She nodded and leaves the war room. Kaone look down at the map, He saw how the soviets, britishs and germans finally large areas of vacuo.

He could the vacuo was really close

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He could the vacuo was really close.

Kaone: *German* Vacuo wird von Mothome-Streitkräften besetzt und die Rebellen aus der Hauptstadt werden die Kontrolle übernehmen. [Vacuo will be occupied by Mothome forces and the rebels from the capital will take control.]

He smile by this. But-

???: *Italian* mi dispiace interromperla, comandante, ma potrei mandare me e il mio esercito sotto vuoto. [sorry interrupt you commander, But could send me and my army to vacuo.]

A mysteries female with bright hair and blue eyed wearing a WW2 Italian Uniform.

Kaone: *Italian* No generale Hiana Mussila, non posso mandare te e il tuo esercito sotto vuoto

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Kaone: *Italian* No generale Hiana Mussila, non posso mandare te e il tuo esercito sotto vuoto. [No general hiana mussila, I can't send you and your army to vacuo.]

Hiana: *Italian* Ma perché!? Volevo dimostrarti che gli italiani sono più forti e- [But why!? I wanted to prove to you that the italian are stronger and-]

Kaone: *Italian* Ho detto no, non voglio mandare le forze italiane sotto vuoto. Non voglio che tu e le forze italiane venga mandato sul campo di battaglia. [I said no, I don't want to send italian forces in vacuo. I don't want you and the italian forces to be send in the battlefield.]

Hiana: *Sigh* *Italian*
Bene, ma dopo aver sconfitto Vacuo. Puoi mandare me e il mio esercito a invadere la Valle! [Fine, But after you defeated vacuo. Can you send me and my army to invade vale!]

Kaone: *Annoyed* *Italian* Ok, ma non fare cazzate. [Okay, Just don't screw up.]

Hiana leaves, While Kaone sigh in annoyances that he didn't want to send the italians to battle yet. For some reason, Kaone knows that if he send italians in vacuo, It will been bad for mothome. So he decided to hold them back after the vacuo defeat.

Kaone: *French* Meno male che non ho mandato l'italiano prima dell'invasione. [Good thing that I didn't send italian before the invasion.]

To Be Continue


Next Chapter 12: Vacuo Last Stand


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