Chapter 10: The Invasion of Vacuo Pt.3

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(Battlefield 1942 Intro)

(RWBY Intro)


Location: Vacuo, Kevir

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown the entire city of kevir on fire and the artillery bombardment destroyed the entire block. Atlas Forces tried to defend the city, But failed when they're encounter a tank out of nowhere.

Atlas Soldier 1: *Panic* Fuck! Where's the reinforcement!

Atlas Soldier 2: *Panic* Our radios have been cut off! We can't call reinforment!


Atlas Soldier 3: *Panic* Shit! Another Paladin Down!

Atlas Soldier 4: *Panic* Who the fuck are this guys! And what's with all those weapons!?

Atlas Soldier 5: *Panic* I don't know!? But how- *Been shot by sniper* ACK!!!!

Atlas Soldier 4: *Panic and Terrified* MAN DOWN!!!!

Atlas Soldier 3: *Panic and Terrified* Shit! Sniper!

Atlas Soldier 4: *Panic and Terrified* Damnit! Where's the sniper!?

As the battle rage on, The city of kevir was taken over by the mothome forces.


Location: Outside of Kevir

Kaone Pov

I was drinking vodka after seeing the british, germans and soviets invader the small of kevir. I smile while seeing my army are almost defeated the last remnant of atlas soldier either surrending or killed. It's been five days since we invader vacuo territory and taken their resources. The Soviet Soldier came to me with good news.

Soviet Soldier: *Russian* Товарищ командующий, Город Кевир успешно захвачен, солдаты Атласа сдаются, а некоторые пытались сразиться с нами. Но не удалось. [Comrade Commander, The City of Kevir have been successfully capture and the atlas soldiers surrender, While some tried to fight us. But failed.]

Kaone: *Russian* Хорошо, продолжайте работу над кевиром. Но если Атлас все еще воюет, убейте их или отправьте в ГУЛАГ. [Good, Continue the work on kevir. But if atlas still fighting, Kill them or send them to gulag.]

Soviet Soldier: *Russian* Да, командир. [Yes commander.]

Just as he was about leave.

Kaone: *Russian* Ах да, возьмите там механизмы и технологии. Они могут нам понадобиться, и мы сможем обратить эти технологии против них. [Oh right, Take there mechs and technologies. We might need them and turn there technology against them.]

Soviet soldier nodded and leaves. Anna came to me with a smile and heads me tea.

Anna: *German* Tee, Kommandant? [Tea, commander?]

Kaone: *German* Tut mir leid, aber ich trinke Wodka. [Sorry, But I drinking vodka.]

Anna: *German* Hä? Na ja, Tee für mich. [Huh? Oh well, Tea for me.]

The Next Mothome Forces invasion will be vacuo, The Capital City.

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To Be Continue


Next Chapter 11: The Invasion of Vacuo Pt.4


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